IEP's most important commodity is data. We have monitored lots of things over 50 years, and we have learned a lot about how and what to monitor. The datasets represented here are just a portion of what the IEP has contributed to the knowledge base that is what we know about the San Francisco Bay-Delta.
There are physical parameters represented here, and hydrology, and biological samples, most of which have been required to be collected via various regulatory requirements like Biological Opinions (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service) and Water Rights Decisions (State Water Resources Control Board).
This is not a complete listing, but most of our most frequently requested data are here. If there's a study you are aware IEP has had a hand in that doesn't seem to be found here, please contact us - it might be that we have the data but haven't yet made it widely available, or that the metadata that needs to be published alongside each data file has not yet been completed.
And if you have ideas for what more we could collect - let us hear from you!