Annual IEP Workshop

The informal event is held each spring for sharing new research results that advance science important to IEP and the larger Delta science community. The workshop features invited speakers, interactive sessions, poster session, and an early career luncheon for early career professionals.

2024 IEP Annual Workshop

Program Abstract Booklet Area Guide FAQs

Workshop Recordings Now Online

2024 Workshop Recordings

The recordings of the 2024 IEP Annual Workshop and the Data Management Training are now available on the IEP Playlist on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's YouTube Channel.

Early Career Award Winners

This year’s winners for Best Poster are:

Check out the IEP Workshop posters in the IEP Poster Forum.

And the winners for Best Presentation are:

  • First Place: Jackelyn Lang, UC Davis “An assessment of 6PPD-quinone acute and sublethal toxicity on San Francisco Bay Delta species of conservation concern”
  • Second Place: Louise Cominassi, UC Davis “Sublethal exposures to the insecticides bifenthrin and fipronil impact the stress response and behavior of juvenile Chinook salmon”
  • Third Place: Nicholas Hudson, UC Davis “Quantifying the stress response of an endangered fish species to support population supplementation”

Congratulations to the winners, all the early career presenters, and every IEP attendee for making our workshop such a welcoming environment for IEP scientists of all stripes to hone their skills.

Past Workshops

2024 Annual Workshop

The 2024 Annual IEP Workshop took place at the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) headquarters building (715 P Street, Sacramento) from April 23-25. Below are materials from the workshop:

Recordings of the Data Management Training Course and the 3-day IEP Workshop will be housed on the CDFW YouTube channel under the IEP Playlist.

2023 Annual Workshop

The 2023 Annual IEP Workshop took place at the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Headquarters building (715 P Street, Sacramento, CA) from March 21-24. Below are materials from the workshop:

Recordings of the 3-day IEP Workshop are housed on the CDFW YouTube channel under the IEP Workshops 2023 Playlist (videos).

2022 Annual Workshop

The 2022 IEP Annual Workshop took place as a virtual Zoom Webinar event that was held from March 22 - 24.

The workshop was recorded and the session videos were posted on YouTube for viewing until June 30, 2022.

2021 Annual Workshop

The 2021 IEP Annual Workshop was a track within the 11th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Registration of the event was managed by the Delta Stewardship Council. The theme of the conference was "Building Resilience through Diversity in Science". With presenter permission, selected talk recordings have been made available on the Bay Delta Science conference platform. The IEP Track Session and presentations were the following:

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 IEP Special Session

The Value of Long-Term Biological Monitoring in the San Francisco Estuary Moderator: Jim Hobbs, CDFW

  • The Value of Long-Term Monitoring of the San Francisco Estuary for Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt - Speaker: Trishelle Tempel, CDFW
  • The Influence of Environmental Conditions in Long Term Fish Abundance Data - Speaker: James White, CDFW
  • Invasion of the Water Board Snatchers: Tridentiger Trends from the San Francisco Bay Study and Summer Townet Survey - Speaker: Timothy Davis Malinich, CDFW
  • Fish Food, Outflow, and Management Implications: The Values of Long-term Zooplankton Monitoring in the SFE - Speaker: Arthur Barros, CDFW
  • The Value of Long-Term Zooplankton Monitoring for Detecting Impacts of the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gate Managed Flow Action - Speaker: Christina Burdi, CDFW

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 IEP Session

Success at Different Trophic Levels: Gaining Insight from Nutrients to Otoliths Moderator: Stephanie Fong, CDFW

  • A View from the Landscape Scale: Using Spatial Variation of Nutrients and Phytoplankton Across the Delta to Identify Underlying Biogeochemical Processes - Speaker: Brian Bergamaschi, USGS
  • Nine Years of Flow Pulses: A Synthesis of Water Quality, Plankton Subsidies and Fish Communities in the North Delta - Speakers: Brittany Davis, DWR; Laura Twardochleb, DWR
  • I'm Not That Shallow - Surprising Similarity in Zooplankton Communities Collected at Different Depths Near Wetland Restoration Sites - Speaker: Rosemary Hartman, DWR
  • Every Cog and Wheel: Understanding the Importance of Genomic Diversity in Central Valley Chinook Salmon - Speaker: Mariah Meek, Michigan State University
  • Years in Their Ears: What Can Fish Earbones Tell Us About Spring-run Chinook Salmon Success in an Increasingly Volatile Climate? - Speaker: Flora Cordoleani, UC Santa Cruz/NOAA

Thursday, April 8, 2021 IEP Session

Fish Habitat Spatial Arrangements: Experience from Across the Estuary and Beyond Moderator: Christine Joab, CDFW

  • Four Decades of Juvenile Fish Responses to Hydroclimate: Advancing a State-Space Modeling Approach in the San Francisco Estuary - Speaker: Denise Colombano, UC Berkeley
  • Space Jam: A Spatially Explicit History of Estuary Fish Species - Speaker: Dylan Stompe, UC Davis
  • Suisun Marsh on the Edge of Resilience in an Era of Rapid Change - Speaker: John Durand, UC Davis
  • Differences Between Surface and Bottom Temperatures in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: Implications for Temperature Refugia - Speaker: Brian Mahardja, US Bureau of Reclamation
  • Investigating Longfin Smelt Utilization of Coastal Estuaries North of the San Francisco Estuary - Speaker: Colin Brennan, ICF

Friday, April 9, 2021 IEP Session

Using Aquatic Surveys for Estimation and Communication: Bias, Quantification, and Display  Moderator: Steve Culberson, IEP Lead Scientist

  • Relative Catchability Bias Among Sampling Gears for Fish Species within the San Francisco Estuary - Speaker: Brock Huntsman, USGS
  • Let's Stop Guessing: Using Quantitative Tools Developed During Long-term Monitoring Review to Evaluate Survey Regime Alterations - Speaker: Jereme Gaeta, CDFW
  • Quantifying Changes in Gear Efficiency to Reduce Bias in Estimating Long-term Abundance Trends - Speaker: Bryan Matthias, US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Real Time Tidal Excursion Mapping and Constituent Tracking, Fishery Surveys and Tools to Support Tidally Influenced Pelagic Habitat Identification - Speaker: David Osti, 34 North
  • Web Based Approaches to Fisheries Data Communication - Speaker: Tom Pham, UC Santa Cruz/NOAA

2020 Annual Workshop

The 2020 IEP Annual Workshop took place remotely on Zoom as individual sessions that were held from August 25 through October 3, 2020.

2019 Annual Workshop

The 2019 IEP Annual Workshop was held at the Lake Natoma Inn on March 5 through March 7, 2019.

Workshop Announcements

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Participants in the CNRA Auditorium at the 2023 IEP Workshop.
Workshop presentation in the CNRA auditorium. CDFW photo.
Participants in the poster room at the 2023 IEP Workshop.
Workshop participants attending the poster session. CDFW photo.