IEP Publications - Frequently Asked Questions

Who can publish IEP publications?

Anyone that uses a substantial amount of IEP data (e.g., long-term monitoring programs) can submit an IEP publication. Member agency staff who collect, analyze and report their findings using IEP data can publish IEP products.

What are IEP publications?

Where can I find IEP publications?

IEP publications are available in a variety of formats for different audiences, and can be found under the Publications tab of the IEP website.

When are IEP publications produced?

The frequency of IEP publications is dependent on the type of publication. The IEP Newsletter is intended to be the quickest form of communication, with publication every quarter. IEP technical reports and peer-reviewed journal publications often take longer because of their length and/or process. Data managers and owners publish their datasets at an interval that is appropriate for their program.

Why are IEP publications important?

IEP publications are a form of communication that describe the efforts and results of IEP activities. IEP publications are used to inform science and the management decisions about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

How can I get my publication on the list of "IEP Publications"?

If you want to share your IEP publication with the IEP community, contact the IEP Lead Scientist:
Steve Culberson (IEP) |