IEP Survey Data

The Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) monitoring studies have collected hydrodynamic, water quality, and biological data in the San Francisco Bay-Delta since 1959.

Along with these long-term monitoring surveys, IEP scientists regularly conduct short-term experiments, special studies, and synthesis projects (see the Directed Studies & Synthesis web page).

Data Access

The table shown in the tab below provides access to data collected by the various IEP studies and a contact person who can provide the data, on request.

Sampling Map

The interactive mapping tool shown in the tab below allows you to see where and when data have been collected by these long-term surveys, so you can plan your data requests accordingly.

Data Repositories

The portals and data repositories shown in the tab below provide a comprehensive list of sites that provide IEP data.

Program/ProjectSorted By Program/Project In Ascending OrderAgencyStudy TypeContactProject Description NotesKeywordsUpdate
Data LinkWQPhytoZoopOther

20mm Survey

CDFWLong Term

Vanessa Mora (Fish)

Jessica Jimenez (Zooplankton)

Larval fish survey to determine timing, distribution and abundance of Delta Smelt Larvae and their food supply.

Fish, Zooplankton, Water QualityWeekly

CDFW 20mm Survey FTP site 

EDI - IEP San Francisco Estuary 20mm Survey Data Package

x x  x 

Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program (DJFMP)

USFWSLong Term

Jonathan Speegle

Thrice weekly fish surveys including trawls and beach seines.

Water Quality, FishAnnual

EDI IEP: Over four decades of juvenile fish monitoring data from the San Francisco Estuary, collected by DJFMP, Data Package Summary

EDI - Chipps Island Trawl, DJFMP, Genetic Determination of Population Origin Data Package Summary

x    x 

Environmental Monitoring Program: Benthic invertebrates

CDWRLong Term

Betsy Wells

Monthly benthic invertebrate monitoring in the Delta, Suisun Bay, and San Pablo Bay.

Benthic InvertebratesAnnual

EDI - IEP Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay -Delta (EMP) Data Package Summary

 x  x  

Environmental Monitoring Program: Continuous Water Quality

CDWRLong Term

Scott Waller

Continuous water quality monitoring in the Delta

Water Quality, ContinuousContinuous

QA'ed data available upon request;
Raw, non-QA'ed data is available on the California Data Exchange Center


Environmental Monitoring Program: Discrete Water Quality

CDWRLong Term

Craig Stuart

Monthly water quality and nutrient monitoring in the Delta, Suisun Bay, and San Pablo Bay.

Water Quality, NutrientsAnnual

EDI - IEP: EMP Discrete Water Quality Monitoring in the Bay-Delta Data Package Summary

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