IEP Lead Scientist

The IEP Lead Scientist provides strategic direction for, and oversight of, IEP science efforts; acts as the chief science advisor to the Coordinators and Directors; chairs the Science Management Team; and serves as the primary voice of IEP to all groups. See the IEP Governance Framework, 2017 (PDF) for more information.

The current lead scientist, Dr. Steven Culberson, is an estuarine ecologist, trained with an emphasis in tidal marsh biogeomorphology. He has worked in the San Francisco Estuary since moving to California in 1990, and has held positions at several IEP agencies, including the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Department of Water Resources, the CalFed Science Program, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Delta Stewardship Council. Dr. Culberson's professional experience is detailed further in his resume (PDF).

IEP and the Delta Stewardship Council

The IEP lead scientist is housed within the Delta Stewardship Council and regularly works with the Delta Science Program to identify, track, and explain the status and needs of Bay-Delta science. Co-localizing the IEP lead scientist within the Delta Stewardship Council allows for stronger collaboration and communication between data collectors and data users while working towards the vision of One Delta, One Science.

What is the IEP and how is the Delta monitored?

“What is the IEP?” by Dr. Steve Culberson, IEP Lead Scientist.
IEP Management Science: Theory, Practice, Future by Dr. Steve Culberson from the “How the Delta is Monitored: Second in a Series of Three Brown Bag Seminars with the Delta Independent Science Board”.