Relations Between Abiotic and Biotic Environmental Variables and Occupancy of Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) in Autumn
| Hendrix, Noble A., Fleishman, E., Wohlfeil Zilling, M., and Dusek Jennings, E. | Journal | 2023 | 46 | | Estuaries and Coasts | 16 |
Hydrodynamics and habitat interact to structure fish communities within terminal channels of a tidal freshwater delta
| Huntsman, B.M., Young, M.J., Feyrer, F.V., Stumpner, P.R., Brown, L.R., and Burau, J.R. | Journal | 2023 | 14 | 1 | Ecosphere An ESA Open Access Journal | 18 |
Freshwater Flow Affects Subsidies of a Copepod (Pseudodiaptomus forbesi) to Low-Salinity Food Webs in the Upper San Francisco Estuary
| Hassrick, J.L., Korman, J., Kimmerer W.J., Gross, E.S., Grimaldo, L.F., Lee, C., and Schultz, A.A. | Journal | 2023 | 46 | | Estuaries and Coasts | 12 |
Multi-year landscape-scale efficacy analysis of fluridone treatment of invasive submerged aquatic vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
| Khanna, S., Gaeta, J.W., Conrad, J.L. , Gross, E.S. | Journal | 2023 | | | Biological Invasions | 17 |
Ecological Impacts of Drought on Suisun Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with special attention to the extreme drought of 2020-2022
| Drought Synthesis Team; Hartman, R., Barros, A., Burdi, C., Bosworth, D., Flynn, T., Gaeta, J., Keller, E., Nelson, P., Maguire, A., Perry, S., Rasmussen, N., Rinde, J., Sawyer, E., Salman, T., Stumpner, E., Twardochleb, L., Wells, E., Bouma-Gregson, K., and Bashevkin, S. | Technical Reports | 2023 | 100 | | Interagency Ecological Program | 46 |
Trends in Fish and Invertebrate Populations of Suisun Marsh January 2022 - December 2022 Annual Report for the California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, California
| Teejay A. O"Rear, Peter B. Moyle, and John R. Durand | Report | 2023 | | | Annual Report for California Department of Water Resources | 63 |
A Spatiotemporal History of Key Pelagic Fish Species in the San Francisco Estuary, CA
| Dylan K. Stompe, Peter B. Moyle, Kiva L. Oken, James A. Hobbs, and John R. Durand | Journal | 2023 | 46 | | Estuaries and Coasts | 1067-1082 |
2022 Status and Trends Report for Pelagic Fishes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary
| Malinich, T. D., J. R. White, K. Hieb, A. S. Nanninga, S. B. Slater, and J. A. Hobbs | Newsletter | 2023 | 42 | 3 | IEP Newsletter | 19 |
2023 Smelt Larva Survey Summary
| Oceguera Zavala, J. C., V. Mora, and J. A. Jimenez | Newsletter | 2023 | 42 | 3 | IEP Newsletter | 5 |
White papers providing a synthesis of knowledge relating to Delta Smelt biology in the San Francisco Estuary, emphasizing effects of flow.
| Flow Alteration - Management, Analysis, and Synthesis Team | Technical Reports | 2022 | 98 | | Interagency Ecological Program | 191 |