Annual IEP Work Plan

The Work Plan reflects the annually planned work by IEP agencies to be conducted within the Bay-Delta ecosystem during the calendar year. The authorities, responsibilities, and management needs for implementing and funding of projects and programs within the Work Plan are guided by, and in some cases are defined by, various regulatory requirements (e.g., biological opinions, incidental take permits, and water rights decisions) that cover the operations of the State Water Project and Central Valley Project.

The annual Work Plan includes monitoring, research and synthesis focused on the Bay-Delta aquatic ecosystem that meets the IEP mission and vision and fulfills one or more of the IEP's goal's and objectives as outlined in the Science Strategy. There are six broad categories included in the Work Plan:

  • Compliance
  • Baseline Status and Trends
  • Synthesis, Modeling and Reviews
  • Directed Studies
  • Program Management
  • Project Work Teams, Technical Teams, and Workshop
  • Solicited Research

Integration of Strategic Planning in Work Plan Development

The Annual Work Plan, Science Strategy, and Strategic Plan are three organizing documents developed using the Guiding Principles that set the course for the annual, 5-year and 5+year organization planning for the IEP (Figure 1).

Stepwise graphical representation that shows the strategic planning documents (e.g., Strategic Plan, Science Agenda, and the annual Work Plan) being implemented throughout the organization’s planning process to set the long-term, near term and annual planning goals. Five planning phases shown in stepwise fashion starting with (1) the IEP Program Vision and Mission, (2) the Strategic Plan, (3) the Science Agenda, (4) building the Work Plan, and (5) the IEP Work Plan.

Strategic Planning Documents

Annual Work Plan

The Annual Work Plan contains specific approved IEP science activities and associated costs.

IEP Science Strategy

The Science Strategy (PDF) defines the near term science needs to guide program investments and project selection.

IEP Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan (PDF) identifies the long-term goals and strategies to be implemented by IEP to achieve its vision and mission.

Guiding Principles

The Guiding Principles (PDF) identifies the agreed upon principles for adapting to emerging and new management and policy needs.