Job Announcements

  • February 12, 2025

The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Region 1) is hiring a Senior ES (Specialist) Regional Monitoring Coordinator.

Overview of Duties:

The Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) will act as Regional Monitoring Coordinator and will lead development of tools to evaluate water-quality at a regional and watershed scale, provide technical expertise and mentorship in surface water monitoring program development and implementation, and lead regional efforts to evaluate and report on water quality in relation to many complex issues including the effects of climate change, fire, and drought on water quality.

This position requires knowledge of water quality objectives and beneficial uses, monitoring plan design and development, quality assurance plan development, statistical analysis and analysis programs, and analysis and reporting of complex water quality related data sets including the use of geospatial analysis (GIS). The Specialist must have advanced expertise in chemical, biological, and physical water quality parameters; biologic community assessment; and aquatic toxicology. Further the position requires public speaking, partnership building, and internal and external monitoring oversight and coordination.

See the duty statement in the CalCareers job announcement: JC-466125 - Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) for full position details.
The position is located in the Santa Rosa office at 5550 Skylane Blvd., Suite A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Final filing date is 2/25/2025.

Categories: Jobs
  • February 10, 2025

The San Francisco Estuary Institute is seeking a Program Manager to co-lead a Nutrient Management Strategy as part of our Clean Water Program.

This work has major implications for nutrient management in the Bay. It will influence the region’s 37 wastewater treatment agencies in both the immediate and extended future, and will directly inform multi-billion-dollar investments in wastewater treatment.

The primary role will be to provide co-management oversight for a team investigating nutrient biogeochemistry, ecosystem function, and water quality in San Francisco Bay (SFB) as part of the SFB Nutrient Management Strategy.

For more information about this job opportunity and how to apply, visit the SFEI Program Manger job announcement.

First review of applications: February 23, 2025

Application closing date: position open until filled

Categories: Jobs
  • February 3, 2025

The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) is looking for an early to mid-career civil or environmental engineer or hydrologist with a few years of experience since getting their PhD. This will be a research-focused position with lots of opportunity for collaboration with folks from various agencies. The Water Policy Center (WPC) will be taking on several large projects in water accounting, adaptation to climate change, groundwater recharge and management, along with their usual engagement with the day-to-day machinations of water management and policy.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Collaborate with PPIC Water Policy Center researchers to identify policy research opportunities that will help inform and improve California’s water management.
  2. Engage in all aspects of the design, implementation, and analysis of research that responds to key policy opportunities using a variety of tools, including quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses.
  3. Conduct original research and produce PPIC publications, including reports, policy briefs, blogs, and fact sheets, in collaboration with the research and communications teams.
  4. Engage and cultivate professional relationships with external and internal stakeholders, including water leaders, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, the public, and PPIC staff through research presentations and targeted outreach.
  5. Collaborate with the WPC director and the PPIC development team to identify and seek grant support for research projects.
  6. Participate actively as a collaborative member of the WPC team, the larger PPIC research community, and the broader water resources research field, through regular attendance at meetings, events, convenings and/or conferences.
  7. Work with and mentor junior research staff on developing and strengthening research skills.

To apply, submit by February 28, 2025, your application letter, resume, one or more writing samples geared towards a policy audience, and the names and contact information of three references. Visit the PPIC Research Fellow job announcement for more information about this position and application requirements.

Categories: Jobs
  • January 29, 2025

Are you interested in a dynamic and rewarding position focused on water quality monitoring data management that will make an impact on California’s surface water quality? Apply today to join an energetic, creative and kind team working with water quality data, advancing racial equity and transforming a whole organization to be more quality-focused and data literate. Our supportive work culture is grounded in values that make up the core of who we are and how we do work in OIMA + SWAMP.

State Water Board’s Office of Information Management and Analysis has an Environmental Scientist vacancy in the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Information Management and Quality Assurance (SWAMP IQ) unit.

This position will focus on water quality data management and supporting the transition of SWAMP and CEDEN data submittals to a new data system. This may be the position for you if your strengths include organization systems, attention to detail, and excitement to learn a new data system.

CalCareers Job posting: JC-463958 Environmental Scientist
Final filing date: February 21, 2025

If you are interested, please feel free to reach out and I’m happy to answer your questions about the job.

Tessa Fojut (
Senior ES (Supervisory)

Categories: Jobs
  • January 29, 2025

This is a Limited Term (LT) assignment for up to 12 months which may be extended to 24 months and may become permanent.

The California Department of Water Resources is hiring a limited-term Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) to work on various special products related to water quality and biological monitoring in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta.

Final filing date is 2/12/2025.

CalCareers Job Code: JC-464031 Water Quality Scientist


This position offers a unique and rewarding opportunity to conduct scientific studies addressing aquatic ecology issues in the San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The incumbent will serve as a technical expert and lead investigator for water quality and biological studies, supporting compliance monitoring programs, quality management, and special studies. These efforts are essential for initiatives related to State Water Project operations, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife Incidental Take Permit, the State Water Resources Control Board Water Right Decision 1641, and the Interagency Ecological Program. The role involves designing and proposing studies, conducting complex statistical analyses, and synthesizing existing water quality and ecological datasets to identify and better understand the drivers of biological trends. The incumbent will collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and communicate scientific findings through peer-reviewed publications and presentations at professional conferences. In addition to research and analysis, the position includes fiscal and administrative responsibilities, such as developing and managing contracts to support program objectives. The individual will work cooperatively with project work teams to foster collaboration and ensure effective implementation of monitoring and research activities.

You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement (pdf).

Categories: Jobs
  • November 26, 2024

The Center for Watershed Sciences at UC Davis is hiring an Academic Coordinator II who will serve as Deputy Director of the Center. The first application review date is Monday, December 16, 2024. Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee. The final application date is Monday, June 30, 2025 at 11:59 pm. Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Job Announcement: UC Davis Academic Coordinator II - Deputy Director of Center for Watershed Sciences
Salary range: $81,633 - $162, 846
Application Window: Opens 11/18/2024; Next Review Date: 12/16/2024; Final date: 06/30/2025
Application Link: UC Davis Recruit Application Link

Position Description

Academic Coordinators are appointees who administer academic programs that provide service closely related to the teaching or research mission of the University. This service may be provided to academic departments, to organized research units, to students, or to the general public. Determination of the appropriate level for an appointment for an Academic Coordinator shall take into consideration such factors as program scope and complexity. The duties of an Academic Coordinator are primarily administrative. Individuals in an Academic Coordinator title who are assigned research or instructional duties are required to hold a dual title.

The Center for Watershed Sciences (CWS), a unit of the Institute of the Environment (IE), is a leader in the interdisciplinary study of critical water issues. This Academic Coordinator II will serve as Deputy Director of CWS. Under the general direction of the Center Faculty Director, working with the Institute of the Environment staff, the Deputy Director is responsible for the leadership and management of CWS. Areas of responsibility consist of Planning, Operations, Administration, Programs, and Facilities that support the CWS mission, including: Research Administration, Information Technology, Strategic and Budget Planning, Fiscal Oversight, Compliance and Risk Management, Human Resources and Personnel Management, Communication and Outreach, and Facilities Maintenance. The Deputy Director may instigate and manage a variety of complex multidisciplinary science and policy research projects involving personnel from departments and schools across the campus and funding from multiple project sponsors. With the Faculty Director, the Deputy Director may pursue funding opportunities to support areas in need of additional resources. Finally, the Deputy Director acts as a CWS representative on campus and beyond.

Major Responsibilities

  1. Coordination of Academic Programs (85%)
    • Planning, Leadership and Research (35%)
    • Administration and Supervision (35%)
    • Outreach (15%)
  2. Professional Competence (10%)
  3. University and Professional Service (5%)

Review the job announcement for more information about the job, qualifications, and how to apply.

Categories: Jobs

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