Hello IEP Community members,
We hope that all of you had the opportunity to join the 2022 IEP Workshop on March 22-24. The IEP Lead Scientist and IEP Support Team would like to thank the IEP Planning Committee, the Workshop Session Chairs and their speakers for volunteering their time to develop this year's workshop program. We'd also like to extend our thanks to all of you who made time to attend the workshop. Your questions and comments during individual sessions were informative and allowed for some good discussion. Hopefully, you will continue those discussions by reaching out to the presenters. Recordings of the workshop will be posted once we complete post processing.
We'd also like to extend our appreciation to poster authors for making time to meet with attendees during the evening poster session. We heard positive feedback on the format of using breakout rooms to allow for group discussion. Finally, a big THANK YOU to mentors and mentees for being willing to engage in a virtual mentor lunch - first of its kind.
IEP 2022 Workshop Ballot Form
Now it is time to show consideration to the poster authors and presenters by remembering to vote. This is your way to show appreciation for the high quality of work contributed to the IEP Workshop. Go to the IEP 2022 Workshop Ballot Form and select your 3 favorite early career posters and your 3 favorite overall best presentations, which includes all posters. Voting closes today, Friday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. so don't delay! Winners announced on Monday, March 28 on the IEP Annual Workshop page.
Lastly, we'd like to hear your feedback on the 2022 IEP Workshop. Please complete this 2022 Workshop Feedback Form by April 1. As we being to prepare for the next workshop we'd like to know what you'd like to see in future workshops.
IEP Program Support Team