San Francisco Bay Salinity and Temperature

USGS field staff collecting salinity and water temperature data at the I-80 Carquinez Bridges across the Carquinez Strait.
I-80/Carquinez Bridge across Carquinez Strait.
USGS image; photo credit Paul A. Work

Program Overview

This study collects data to observe the spatial and temporal variability of temperature and salinity throughout the estuary. Data are collected every 15 minutes at six sites located throughout the estuary; in most cases, sites have sensors at two depths to observe vertical variations. Beginning in 1989, this study provides long-term, high-quality data that allows for identification of water-quality trends and improves our understanding of water quality and transport processes in the estuary.

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map of program area - link opens full resolution image in new window
Map of salinity and temperature stations in San Francisco Bay.
(click to enlarge in new window)