Central Valley Salmonid Project Work Team

The Central Valley Salmonid Poject Work Team is currently inactive.

The Central Valley Salmonid Project Work Team coordinates Chinook salmon and steelhead research, monitoring and management activities in the Central Valley watershed. Team members include staff from the California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and Water Resources, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Metropolitan Water District, Central Valley Project Water Association, National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Bureau of Reclamation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

This Project Work Team is currently dormant and not regularly meeting. Contact the Project Chair for questions.


  • Facilitate communication and information exchange among the agencies and stakeholders through meetings, workshops, and seminars
  • Provide technical advice, informal peer review, and recommendations for management
  • Establish technical working groups to coordinate monitoring and management activities related to individual salmonid races or technical issues

Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting?

Contact the Project Chair

Project Chair

Meeting Frequency

PWT dormant

Meeting Location