The Flow Alteration (FLoAT) Project Work Team is currently inactive. The purpose of the FLoAT PWT was to provide a forum for developing a better understanding of how management actions affecting flows in the summer and fall impact habitat and conditions for Delta Smelt. Objectives Provide a forum for sharing of information on the Delta Smelt Summer-Fall habitat action, including fall X2, operation of the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates, the North Delta Food Subsidy action, and related management actions. Provide guidance on monitoring program design to understand effects of flow augmentation on Delta ecosystem. Review reports based on data analyses to provide basis for assessment of any benefits to Delta Smelt provided by flow augmentation. Provide a forum for exchange of information among members of the PWT and other groups to reduce duplication of efforts. Publications FLOAT-MAST (Flow Alteration - Management Analyis and Synthesis Team), 2022. White papers providing a synthesis of knowledge relating to Delta Smelt biology in the San Francisco Estuary, emphasizing effects of flow. Interagency Ecological Program, Sacramento, CA. IEP Technical Report#98. 191 pp (PDF). FLOAT-MAST (Flow Alteration - Management, Analysis, and Synthesis Team). 2020. Synthesis of data and studies relating to Delta Smelt biology in the San Francisco Estuary, emphasizing water year 2017. IEP Technical Report 95. Interagency Ecological Program, Sacramento, CA and its associated appendices. Two page summary report (PDF) for the FLOAT-MAST IEP Technical Report 95.
Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting? This PWT is currently inactive. For questions, contact the Project Chair. Project Chair Rosemary Hartman, DWR Meeting Frequency PWT Dormant Meeting Location N/A (remote)