Flow Alteration (FLoAT) Project Work Team

The Flow Alteration (FLoAT) Project Work Team is currently inactive.

The purpose of the FLoAT PWT was to provide a forum for developing a better understanding of how management actions affecting flows in the summer and fall impact habitat and conditions for Delta Smelt.


  • Provide a forum for sharing of information on the Delta Smelt Summer-Fall habitat action, including fall X2, operation of the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates, the North Delta Food Subsidy action, and related management actions.
  • Provide guidance on monitoring program design to understand effects of flow augmentation on Delta ecosystem.
  • Review reports based on data analyses to provide basis for assessment of any benefits to Delta Smelt provided by flow augmentation.
  • Provide a forum for exchange of information among members of the PWT and other groups to reduce duplication of efforts.


Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting?

This PWT is currently inactive.
For questions, contact the Project Chair.

Project Chair

Meeting Frequency

  • PWT Dormant

Meeting Location

  • N/A (remote)