The Hatchery Project Work Team is currently inactive.
The Hatchery Project Work Team is a satellite team of the Central Valley Salmonid Project Work Team. The Hatchery PWT facilitates communication and information exchange related to the propagation, marking and tagging, distribution, research, and monitoring of Chinook salmon and steelhead from Central Valley Hatcheries, including Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery, Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Feather River Hatchery, Nimbus Fish Hatchery, Mokelumne River Hatchery, Merced River Hatchery, and the San Joaquin Conservation Hatchery.
- Provide a forum for interagency coordination among hatchery managers and supervisors, and between hatchery managers, agency and stakeholder biologists involved in the management of Central Valley fisheries and recovery of listed stocks
- Review issues related to Central Valley hatchery production
- Discuss recommendations for improved hatchery management