The Resident Fishes Project Work Team is a forum to discuss research and monitoring activities related to populations of resident fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. Resident fishes are defined rather loosely to include fishes spending all or part of their life cycle as residents in the San Francisco Estuary. This definition excludes salmonids and sturgeons because PWTs dedicated to these taxa already exist; however, we encourage members of these salmonid and sturgeon PWTs to share their information with the Resident Fishes PWT as certain topics are likely to be of interest to both groups. Objectives Provide an exchange of information and/or data Plan, initiate and discuss synthesis studies Develop recommendations on next steps in research and monitoring activities Highlight important or management-relevant work on resident fish species that are not covered by other IEP PWTs or the IEP Annual Workshop Charter Resident Fishes Charter (PDF) Tule Perch and Splittail caught in Delta by electrofishing. USFWS photos by Brian Mahardja.
Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting? Contact the Project Chairs Project Chairs Adam Nanninga, USFWS Nicole Kwan, DWR Meeting Frequency 1st Wednesday of every other month (starting November 2021) from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Meeting Location Online