Spring Run Chinook Salmon Project Work Team

The Spring Run Chinook Salmon Project Work Team will provide a venue for scientists from diverse agencies and groups to coordinate and synthesize findings to inform research and monitoring needs in the future.


  • Provide guidance for monitoring, prioritizing projects, and developing action plans to collect data
  • Develop juvenile production and freshwater survival indices
  • Evaluate the role(s) of the Butte sink, Sutter Bypass, Yolo Bypass and Feather and San Joaquin rivers floodplains for the rearing and migration of spring-run juvenile Chinook salmon populations
  • Evaluate the survival of spring-run juvenile Chinook salmon through the Sacramento River under different river flow scenarios

Charter and Other PWT Documents

Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting?

Contact the Project Chairs

Project Chairs

Meeting Frequency

Twice per year (Spring and Fall)

Meeting Location

Virtual MS Teams