The Spring Run Chinook Salmon Project Work Team will provide a venue for scientists from diverse agencies and groups to coordinate and synthesize findings to inform research and monitoring needs in the future. Objectives Provide guidance for monitoring, prioritizing projects, and developing action plans to collect data Develop juvenile production and freshwater survival indices Evaluate the role(s) of the Butte sink, Sutter Bypass, Yolo Bypass and Feather and San Joaquin rivers floodplains for the rearing and migration of spring-run juvenile Chinook salmon populations Evaluate the survival of spring-run juvenile Chinook salmon through the Sacramento River under different river flow scenarios Charter and Other PWT Documents Spring run Chinook salmon Charter (PDF) Cordoleani, F., Satterthwaite, W.H., Daniels, M.E., and Johnson, M.R.. 2020b. Using Life-Cycle Models to Identify Monitoring Gaps for Central Valley Spring-Run Chinook Salmon. San Francisco Estuary Watershed Science. 18(4):1-10.
Want to join the PWT or attend a meeting? Contact the Project Chairs Project Chairs Flora Cordoleani, NOAA Ryan Revnak, CDFW Meeting Frequency Twice per year (Spring and Fall) Meeting Location Virtual MS Teams