Sturgeon and CDFW Tagging Activities
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Sturgeon Tagging Team were out in San Pablo Bay on September 14, 2022. Good News! The Sturgeon Trammel Net study is seeing live sturgeon in San Pablo Bay again. They did not see as many as they would hope, but it seems at least some fish avoided the August-September Harmful Algal Bloom in the San Francisco Bay.
Also, the CDFW Sturgeon crew were showcased in an upcoming episode of the Angler West TV show. Checkout a short clip from the upcoming episode called "CA Delta Sturgeon (Plus Trammel Netting with the CDFW) (Video)" to hear more from Dylan Stompe and James Hobbs on the CDFW Sturgeon Tagging efforts.
Figure 1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife staff, Dylan Stompe, showcasing one of the white sturgeon they captured in San Pablo Bay after the San Francisco Bay Harmful Algal Bloom (CDFW image).