Welcome to the “View from the Water”

Greetings and welcome to the "View from the Water".
My name is Dr. Jim Hobbs. I am a program manager for the Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Bay-Delta Region. I oversee and manage several of the CDFW field teams that monitor and survey the aquatic life in the San Francisco Estuary (Estuary).
The IEP is a collaboration of nine state and federal agencies that share responsibility for evaluating the health of the Estuary. Founded in 1970, the IEP agencies have been conducting baseline monitoring and special studies to track changes in the ecosystem as freshwater flows and Delta exports change over time. These activities document the location and abundance of aquatic animals that rely on the Estuary for survival.
With over 50 years of monitoring in the estuary, IEP scientists and field crews have a first-person perspective on how the estuary has changed over time. "The View from the Water" is one of IEP's newest blogs and will be a regular feature on the new IEP website under the Monitoring Programs page. At regular intervals, IEP scientists and/or managers will use this blog to share their latest observations of life in the Bay-Delta, tell stories about estuarine natural history and ecology, provide updates on their ecological surveys, and share information on how they are working to protect this natural treasure.
We thank you for subscribing to this blog and encourage you to share it with others. If you are not currently a subscriber, visit our Subscription page to sign up! I also have a new Twitter site and handle IEP-OnTheWater (@IOnthewater) where I'll be sharing more information, so don't forget to check that out in the future, too.
If you would like to contribute to the "View from the Water", contact the IEP Lead Scientist, Steve Culberson (Steve.Culberson@deltacouncil.ca.gov) or the IEP Program Facilitator, Christine Joab (Christine.Joab@wildlife.ca.gov) to find out how.
We look forward to hearing from you as you work, recreate, and/or live in and around the San Francisco Estuary!
Dr. Jim Hobbs (James.Hobbs@wildlife.ca.gov)