Greetings IEP Stakeholder Community,
Please see the two announcements below and share with others. Apologies for any cross postings you may receive from other groups.
Invitation to Fall DSP Workshop: Advancing Interdisciplinary Research
You are invited to the Advancing Interdisciplinary Research: Training and Workshop (PDF) for natural and social scientists in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Bay-Delta) and beyond!
The goal of the two-part event is to introduce the Bay-Delta Social Science Community of Practice (CoP) to existing collaborative science forums (PDF) (See Page C-8) in the Bay-Delta in an effort to foster relationships and build more opportunities for interdisciplinary work in this system. The intended audience is scientists, managers, and practitioners interested in generally supporting and integrating interdisciplinary approaches into their work.
Mark your calendars for Friday, October 14th 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. PST AND Thursday, October 20th 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. PST 2022.
The workshop will be mostly virtual and occur in two parts:
- Oct. 14th will be a virtual training on social science and interdisciplinary approaches to social-ecological challenges, highlighting case studies presented by social scientists/ practitioners from across the country.
- Oct. 20th will be a very interactive workshop in which CoP members will be paired with Delta science forum members in breakout rooms to co-develop mock mini-proposals focused around the core themes in the Delta Science Program’s new Science Action Agenda.
- The Oct 20th workshop will be followed by a no-host networking event in Sacramento to meet and greet in person for those who are local.
For more information, visit the CoP web page.
Please help us spread the word! For questions or additional information, please contact
Thank you,
Steve Culberson
Salmon Tag Recovery Request
Greetings IEP Science Community:
Can you circulate this Have You Seen Me? Floy Tag flyer (PDF) to anyone on your team or in your network that may encounter adult salmon in monitoring or research surveys?
NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center and UC Santa Cruz started catching, tagging, and releasing tagged salmon earlier this week in the ocean for a large-scale effort to understand the bioenergetics of salmon during migration. It will be really valuable for us to recover the red archival tags shown on this flyer. We expect them mostly to be observed at hatcheries and on carcass surveys. The tags record temperature every few seconds and archive the data for future download if we can get them back. If your team encounters these fish, it would require checking the body cavities for the temperature logging tags. Some fish are getting smaller acoustic tags that would be valuable to us too.
We also have a real-time tracking web-page where we hope to detect these tags as they pass receivers once they enter SF Bay, the delta, and Central Valley rivers: CalFish Track Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project
For further information, feel free to call or email Miles Daniels, Cyril Michel, or Nate Mantua
Kind regards,
Rachel C. Johnson, PhD
Salmon Life History Research
Fisheries Ecology Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
University of California Davis
Associate Researcher
Office: Center for Watershed Sciences, Rm 2109
phone: 831-239-8782
websites: Salmon Life History Research California Central Valley
websites: UC Davis Rachel Johnson