Greetings IEP Stakeholders:
Are you interested in learning more about sturgeon? Consider joining the IEP Sturgeon Project Work Team (PWT). As a member, you'll receive notifications on upcoming PWT meetings, webinars and information on North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (NASPS) activities. Contact the Sturgeon PWT Chair, Alicia Seesholtz, to join the IEP Sturgeon PWT.
Here is the latest information from the Sturgeon PWT Chair on some upcoming NASPS activities e.g., the annual meeting, webinar and recent sturgeon articles and papers.
NASPS 2021 annual meeting
The NASPS governing board has made the decision to host another virtual meeting for 2021. The 2021 virtual meeting is planned for the week of October 25th, with specific days and times to be determined as planning progresses. Stay informed by visiting our North American Sturgeon & Paddlefish Society website.
Abstract submission is now open and abstracts need to be submitted by Friday, July 16, 2021.
Registration: Registration will open in the coming months on the NASPS website and there will be a fee to register for the 2021 meeting:
- $20 for members
- $100 for non-members
- Free for student members
- $25 for student non-members
Funds from registration will be used to support the costs of hosting the 2021 virtual meeting and the 2022 in-person meeting. The 2022 meeting is being planned for October 2022 in Folsom,CA.
NASPS webinar
NASPS will be hosting a webinar in June on early life stage recruitment bottlenecks. There will be 3 presentations followed by a Q&A session. Presentations will highlight research focused on bottlenecks during larval dispersal for a few different sturgeon species. The webinar is free to attend and more details will be circulated via the Sturgeon PWT in the coming weeks.
Sturgeon in the news
Read about current Atlantic sturgeon recovery efforts in the Delaware River Estuary 'E-ZPass for fish.' What tracking sturgeon can tell us about this fragile species - and Delaware Bay
Read about a rare shortnose sturgeon that was caught in the Potomac! Anglers hook rare sturgeon in the Potomac
Recent sturgeon papers
Dittman DE and MA Chalupnicki. 2021. Summer diet of juvenile lake sturgeon reintroduced into the Genesee and St. Regis Rivers. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, online early.
Genz J and RN Hicks. 2021. Response in growth, scute development, and whole ion body composition of Acipenser fulvescens reared in water of differing chemistries. Animals 11:1419
Hilton, EJ and PE McGrath. 2021. Its raining sturgeons: a likely occurrence of avian predation or scavenging of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus, Mitchell 1815) (PDF). Bannisteria 55:N7-12.
Kahn, J.E., J.C. Watterson, C.H. Hager, N. Mathies, and K.J. Hartman. 2021. Calculating adult sex ratios from observed breeding sex ratios for wide-ranging, intermittently breeding species. Ecosphere 12(5):e03504.
Pendleton, R. and R. Adams. 2021. Long-term trends in juvenile Atlantic sturgeon abundance may signal recovery in the Hudson River, NY, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Plough LV, AJ Bunch, BB Lee, CL Fitzgerald, CP Stence, and B Richardson. 2021. Development and testing of an environmental DNA (eDNA) assay for endangered Atlantic sturgeon to assess its potential as a monitoring and management tool. Environmental DNA, online early.
Scribner, KT and JF Kenefsky. 2021. Molecular sexing of lake sturgeon. Journal of Great Lakes Research, online early.