Science Stories: Adventures in Bay-Delta Data

  • August 29, 2022
any small crabs running around on a tray

More underappreciated data!

This is the second blog in our series on underutilized datasets from IEP.

San Francisco Bay Study’s Crab Catch dataset

Curated by Kathy Hieb and Jillian Burns

The San Francisco Bay Study has been sampling with otter trawls and midwater trawls throughout the San Francisco Bay, Suisun Bay, and Delta since 1980. Their fish data have been used in a number of scientific studies, regulatory decisions, and journal articles. However, did you know they measure and count crabs in their nets too?

Bay Study’s stations are all categorized as “Shoal” (shallow areas) or “Channel” (deeper samples). Crabs are collected by otter trawl, which is towed along the bottom of the water, scraping up whatever demersal fishes and invertebrates it comes across. Truth be told, it’s not the best way to catch crabs, because most crabs like hiding under rocks where they are out of the way of the net, but it does give us a metric of status and trends of some of the most common species of crabs, including the Pacific rock crab (Cancer productus), the graceful rock crab (Cancer gracilis, also known as the slender rock crab), the red rock crab, and everyone’s favorite, the Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister).

After the net has been towed on the bottom for five minutes, it’s brought on board the boat and the biologists count, measure, and sex the crabs they’ve caught (Figure 1). This can be tricky, because crabs can be FAST! Especially the smaller Dungeness crabs (Figure 2). The biologists have to be careful and pick up the crabs by their back side to avoid getting pinched by their claws, which definitely takes practice.

a large crab is held by the back of its shell and is being measured with calipers
Figure 1. Each crab is carefully measured using calipers. This is where experienced biologists have to practice holding the crabs carefully to avoid being pinched. Image credit, Lynn Takata, Delta Science Program.
tray full of several dozen small crabs
Figure 2. Lots of little crabs! Juvenile crabs can be particularly hard to catch, and particularly hard to tell apart. Image credit: Kathy Hieb, CDFW.

Once all the crabs are counted and measured, they are entered into a database that goes back to 1980. Bay's Study's Dungeness crab data have been used to help manage the commercial crab fishery because fisheries-independent data is valuable. From 1975 to 1978, an estimated 38-82% of the Dungeness crabs in the central California region rear in the San Francisco Estuary each year (Wilde and Tasto 1983). This dataset was also very helpful in tracking the introduction, expansion, and decline of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), which briefly took over the brackish regions of the estuary but declined as rapidly as it arrived (Figure 3. Rudnick et al 2003). Bay Study's crab data has also been combined with other datasets to see how the estuarine community as a whole responds to climate patterns and human impacts (Cloern et al. 2010).

line graph showing annual average catch per trawl of five species of crabs caught by Bay Study in each region of the Estuary (South Bay, Central Bay, Suisun, and the West Delta) - click to enlarge in new window
Figure 3. Annual mean catch per trawl of the most common species of crabs across each region of the estuary. Dungeness crabs are the most frequently caught, with peaks in South Bay, Central Bay, and San Pablo in 2013 and 2016. Chinese mitten crabs had a spike in abundance in Suisun and the West Delta around 2002, but are rarely caught before or after. The red rock crab, graceful rock crab, and Pacific rock crab are only caught in South Bay, San Pablo, and Central Bay, and then only in low abundances. Click image to enlarge.

However, a lot of questions remain to be asked of this dataset. Why did we see such high catch of Dungeness crabs in 2013 and 2016? What are the drivers between the lesser-studied crabs, such as the graceful rock crab? How does the salinity preference of each species of crab differ (Figure 4)? If you want to investigate these questions yourself, data are available on the CDFW file library website. But be careful, the data have a few hiccups in them, such as changes to sampling sites over time, missing samples during period of boat break-downs, and other caveats. Be sure to read the metadata and make sure you understand the data before using them.

dot plot showing the salinity at which each species of crab is caught - click to enlarge in new window
Figure 4. Dot plot showing the salinity of each trawl where each species was found from 1995-2005. The Pacific rock crab, graceful rock crab, and red rock crab mostly occur at high salinity (25-32 PSU), but the Dungeness crab is often found in brackish water (10-32 PSU), and the Chinese Mitten crab was found in fresh to brackish water and mostly absent from high salinity water (anything greater than 28 PSU). Click image to enlarge.

Further reading

Categories: BlogDataScience, Underappreciated data
  • August 16, 2022

Some data just needs a little love

IEP collects a lot of data. Most people who work in the estuary have probably heard of FMWT’s Delta Smelt Index, or the Chipps Island salmon trawl, or the EMP zooplankton survey. But those “big name” surveys are only part of what we do at IEP! This is the first blog post in a series on “underappreciated” datasets where we highlight some of the data you might not be familiar with.

Yolo Bypass Fish Monitoring Program’s Drift Invertebrate survey

By Nicole Kwan, Brian Schreier, and Rosemary Hartman

In most of the estuary, we concentrate on invertebrates and other fish food that live under the water. However, in streams and rivers the contribution of terrestrial invertebrates falling into the water from surrounding vegetation and aquatic insects that ‘hatch’ on the surface of the water to metamorphose into their terrestrial adult form are also important food sources for fish, particularly Chinook Salmon and Sacramento Splittail. The Yolo Bypass, a large managed floodplain near Sacramento, is located on the boundary between the estuary and the river. As such, the Yolo Bypass Fish Monitoring Program (YBFMP) tracks both aquatic zooplankton and terrestrial drift invertebrates.

The YBFMP collects drift invertebrates year-round from two sites to compare the seasonal variations in densities and species trends of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates between the Sacramento River and the Yolo Bypass. The crew piles into a boat and heads out, then tows a rectangular net that sits half-in, half-out of the water for ten minutes along the surface. Sometimes, when flows are really high, they can simply hold the net out on the side of their fish trap for ten minutes and let the water flow through it instead of towing it (Figure 1). The crew then rinses the sample into a bottle, preserves it with formalin, and sends it to a contracted lab for identification and enumeration (counting all the bugs under a microscope).

A woman in a life jacket stands on the deck of a screw trap with a rectangular net held in the flow at the surface of the water.
Figure 1. YBFMP scientist Anji Shakya sampling drift invertebrates in high flows next to the fish trap. Image credit - Naoaki Ikemiyagi Department of Water Resources.

There are a lot of interesting questions we can ask with these data, such as, what time of year do we catch the most chironomids (midges) (Figure 2)? Or, how does community composition and abundance differ between the Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass (Figure 3), and how does that relate to differences in hydrology and water quality?

A scatter plot of chironomid catch in the Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass with a trend line showing higher abundances in the spring in the Yolo Bypass and higher abundances in the summer in the Sacramento River. Sampling in the summer did not occur until more recent years (after 2010) - click to view image in new window
Figure 2. Log-transformed catch-per-unit-effort of chironomid midges caught in drift net samples in the Yolo Bypass Toe Drain and Sacramento River at Sherwood Harbor. Note the abundances of chironomids in the spring on the Yolo Bypass. The Bypass tends to have higher abundances than the Sacramento River in the spring, but lower abundances in the summer. Sampling in summer and fall only started in more recent years. Click on image to enlarge.

Stacked bar plot showing abundance and community composition of invertebrates collected in the drift net in the Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass by year. Insects are the most common group in all years and both sites. Gastropods are the second most common group in the Yolo Bypass, whereas oligocheates in the order clitellata are the second most common in the Sacramento RIver.  Abundances on the Sacramento River are usually about 25% of abundances on the Yolo Bypass - click to view image in new window
Figure 3. Catch per unit effort of organisms in the drift net categorized by taxonomic order and plotted over time. Insects dominate both the River and the Bypass samples, but the Bypass has consistently higher abundance of drift invertebrates. Click on image to enlarge.

One particularly unexpected thing we’ve seen in the data is high abundances of snails in the samples. Snails normally live on the bottom of the water or on vegetation, so seeing them floating on the surface was surprising. We see a lot of variation in snail abundances between years, and we’re not sure why (Figure 4). The wet years of 2017 and 2019 had particularly high snail catch, but other wet years weren’t similar. A fun mystery for someone to investigate!

Bar graph with large standard error bars showing snail catch by year and water year type (average, wet, or dry) - click to view image in new window
Figure 4. Mean (+/- one standard error) CPUE of snails (class Gastropoda) in drift net samples from the Yolo Bypass. Water year classes (Wet - W, Dry - D, or Average - A) is noted with letters under each bar. Notice how snail catch was very high during the wet years of 2017 and 2019, but also during the dry year of 2013 and the average year of 2003. Click on image to enlarge.

If you want to check out this data for yourself, it has been published on the EDI data repository and will be updated regularly. However, keep in mind that sample frequency, contracting labs, and methods have changed slightly over time. Be sure to read the metadata so you fully understand the data before using it. If you have any questions, just reach out! We’re nice people and we love talking about our data and helping others use it.

Further Reading

Categories: Underappreciated data
  • July 5, 2022

Authors: Rosemary Hartman and the IEP Data Utilization Work Group

Here at IEP, we collect a lot of data, and we do a lot of science. However, people haven’t always realized how much data we collect because it hasn’t always been easy to find. For scientists that were able to find the data, sometimes it was difficult to understand or it was shared in a hard-to-use format. That’s why IEP’s Data Utilization Work Group (DUWG) has been pushing for more Open Science practices over the past five years to make our data more F.A.I.R (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). And wow! We’ve come a long way in a short time.

A staircase with FAIR Principles written on it and stick figures climbing it. Circles are around the staircase.  One shows a map pin that says Persistent and Findable. One shows an open lock that says 'Accessible' with meaningful interaction. One shows a person and a puzzle and says 'Reusable with Full Disclosure', and one shows two computers with a line between them and says 'Interoperable'.

This image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY license. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807

What is Open Science anyway? Well, I was going to call it “the cool-kids club” but really it’s the opposite of a club! It’s the anti-club that makes sure everyone has access to science – no membership required. Open science means that all scientists communicate in a transparent, reproducible way, with open-access publications, freely shared data, open-source software, and openness to diversity of knowledge. Open science encourages collaboration and breaks down silos between researchers – so it’s a natural fit for a 9-member collaborative organization like IEP.

For IEP, the ‘open data’ component is where we’ve really been making strides. While “share your data freely” sounds easy, it’s actually taken a lot of work to make our data FAIR. As government entities, theoretically all of the data we collect is held in the public trust, but putting data in a format that other people can use is not simple. Here are some of the things we have done to make IEP data more open:

Data Management Plans

The first thing the DUWG did was get all IEP projects to fill out a simple, 2-page data management plan outlining what was being done with the data in short, clear sections:

  • Who: Principal investigator and point of contact for the data.
  • What: Description of data to be collected and any related data that will be incorporated into the analysis.
  • Metadata: How the metadata will be generated and where it will be made available.
  • Format: What format the data will be stored in and what format it will be shared in, which may not be the same. For example, you may store data in an Access database but share it in non-proprietary .csv formats.
  • Storage and Backup: Where you will put the data as you are collecting it and how it will be backed-up for easy recovery. This is about short-term storage.
  • Archiving and Preservation: This is about long-term storage to keep your data for someone years down the line. This is best done with publication on a data archive platform, such as the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI).
  • Quality Assurance: Brief description of Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) procedures and where a data user can access full QAQC documentation.
  • Access and Sharing: How can users find your data? Is it posted on line or by request? Are there any restrictions on how the data can be used or shared? 

You can find instructions (PDF) and a template (PDF) for Data Management Plans on the DUWG page. All of IEP’s data management plans are also posted on the IEP website.

Data Publication

Many IEP agencies were already sharing data on agency websites, but most of this was done without formal version control, machine-readable metadata, or digital object identifiers (DOIs), making it difficult to track how data were being used. Now IEP is recommending publishing data on EDI or other data archives. Datasets now have robust metadata, open-source data formats (like .csv tables instead of Microsoft Access databases), and DOIs for each version so studies using these data can be reproduced easily.

Cartoons of stick people illustrating the phases of the data life cycle with arrows connecting them. Data collection - People with nets catching shapes.  Data processing - people take shapes out of a box labeled short-term storage and lay them out on a table. Data Study and Analysis - people make patterns with the shapes. Data publishing and access - People present the data to an audience. Data Preservation - People put shapes in tubes and boxes. Data re-use - people open tubes and a string of shapes come out. Research ideas - Shapes inside a light bulb.

This image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY license. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807

Metadata Standards

The term “metadata” can mean different things to different people. Some people may think it simply means the definitions of all the columns in a data set. Some people may think it means a history of changes to the sampling program. Some people think it’s your standard operating procedures. Some people may think it means data about social media networks. What is it? Well, it’s the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” of your data set. It should include everything a data user needs to understand your data as well as you do. The DUWG developed a template for metadata that includes everything we think you should include in full documentation for a dataset. Some of it might not apply to every dataset, but it is a good checklist to get you started.

You can find the Metadata template (PDF) on the DUWG page.

QAQC standards

The DUWG is just starting to dig into QAQC. Quality assurance is an integrated system of management activities to prevent errors in your data, while quality control is a system of technical activities to find errors in your data. QAQC systems have become standard practice in analytical labs, but the formalization and standardization of QAQC practices is new for a lot of the fish-and-bug-counters at IEP. The DUWG QAQC sub-team developed a template for Standard Operating Procedures (PDF), and is working to provide guidance for QAQC of all types of data, and for integrating QAQC into all sampling programs. This promotes consistency across time, people, and space, increases transparency, and gives users more confidence in your data.

Dataset integration

One of the great things about laying down the framework for open data that includes data publication, documentation, and quality control is that it then becomes much easier to integrate datasets across programs. The IEP synthesis team (spearheaded by Sam Bashevkin of the Delta Science Program) has developed several integrated datasets that pull publicly accessible data, put them in a standard format, and publish them in a single, easy-to-use format.

Spreading the Word

We’re also making sure EVERYONE knows about how great our data are.

  • We’ve revamped the data access webpage on our IEP site.
  • Publishing data on EDI makes it available on DataOne, which allows searches across multiple platforms.
  • Publishing data papers is a relatively new way to let people know about a dataset. For example, this zooplankton data paper was recently published in PLOSOne.
  • We’ve made presentations at the Water Data Science Symposium and other scientific meetings.
  • We published an Open Data Framework Essay in San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences.
  • We also put on a Data Management Showcase (video) that you can watch via the Department of Water Resources YouTube Channel.
  • Plus, we have lots more data management resources available on the DUWG website.

Together, we're putting IEP Data on the Open Science Train to global recognition. 

Questions? Feel free to reach out to the DUWG co-chairs: Rosemary Hartman and Dave Bosworth. If you have any suggestions for improving data management or sharing, we want to hear about it.

Two birds are in a fountain labeled Fountain of Open Data. One asks: You mind if I reuse this data? The other says: Go ahead! we can even work together on it.

This image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY license. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807

Further Reading

Categories: BlogDataScience
  • May 10, 2022

Authors: Mallory Bedwell and Sarah Stinson

On any given day in the San Francisco Estuary (SFE) it’s a common sight to see scientists checking water quality, surveying the diverse species that live there, or conducting a myriad of other monitoring and management activities. The SFE is truly one of the most intensely studied ecosystems in the world. Recently, a new monitoring tool has gained traction among scientists as a promising way to complement traditional monitoring and research approaches. By collecting DNA from the environment and analyzing it with molecular techniques, scientists can detect any number of target species of interest. Have you heard of environmental DNA? If not, then consider this a brief introduction.

What is eDNA?

Environmental DNA (abbreviated eDNA) describes the genetic material that an organism sheds or excretes into its environment (e.g., skin cells, hair, mucus, blood, gametes, waste products, pollen, leaves, fungal spores). Once released, eDNA can be collected and extracted from environmental samples such as soil, sediment, water, snow or air. Once extracted, eDNA can be analyzed by several genetic methods. Depending on the method used, researchers can choose to target a single species (e.g., invasive or endangered), a particular community (e.g., fishes), or even multiple communities (e.g., all animals). For studies targeting multiple species, a common approach is to use a reference database to link the genetic sequence obtained in the eDNA sample to a particular species or taxonomic group. By scanning a reference sequence database for a match, scientists can identify which organism(s) the DNA in their sample came from. This is akin to scanning the barcode on any item in your local grocery store. When the item is scanned, information in the database links the barcode with the price of the item, etc. If the item isn’t listed, they won’t know how much to charge you.

Diagram showing pictures of animals with DNA coming off of them into the environment and aquatic organisms shedding DNA into a stream.
Figure 1. eDNA is the genetic material of living things shed into the environment. We can collect from different substrates including soil, water, and even air.

How is it used?

In recent years, eDNA has been used in a wide array of applications.

Some closely related species can be difficult to differentiate in the field, and accurate identification often requires collecting tissue from the organism, followed by several days of processing in a molecular biology lab. A new technique called SHERLOCK (Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing) is a sensitive, rapid method that can provide species identification (such as the difference between endangered Delta Smelt and the visually similar, non-native Wakasagi) without invasive sampling and can be done in the field in an hour or less. Pairing eDNA or other non-invasive DNA sampling with SHERLOCK allows managers to make rapid and accurate decisions, a critical necessity for protecting listed species.

To understand the migratory dynamics of salmonids in a creek just south of the SFE, researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) deployed an autonomous robotic sampler (Video) to collect 750 eDNA samples over the course of one year. The creek provides habitat for endangered Coho Salmon and Steelhead Trout but is at risk from non-native species including Striped Bass. This sampler will not only filter eDNA samples but perform the molecular reactions and transmit the results, ultimately giving scientists the ability to monitor species of concern in near real time.

California encompasses many unique ecosystems considered to be biodiversity “hotspots,” or areas with high biodiversity. To protect these areas, California recently developed a “30 x 30” initiative to conserve 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030. Cataloging the biodiversity of an entire ecosystem, especially for the many diverse hotspots of California, is a tall order. To aid this effort, scientists are enlisting the help of community members and students to participate in “Bioblitz” events. Teams collect eDNA samples from diverse areas throughout the state, including the SFE. This is part of the CALeDNA program run by the University of California Conservation Genomics Consortium. By involving the community in monitoring efforts, scientists not only increase their ability to collect precious data, but the community gets to learn about these innovative new technologies and gain a deeper appreciation of their local ecosystems.

The previous three examples provide a snapshot of the different types of applications for using eDNA to monitor the diverse ecosystems of the SFE and beyond. Outside of the ecological applications of eDNA, there are additional important uses. For example, to aid efforts to mitigate and monitor COVID-19 dynamics, human health researchers have begun incorporating eDNA techniques to track the virus in wastewater. Far from being a comprehensive list of eDNA applications, these studies are just the tip of the iceberg.

How eDNA can help management?

Environmental DNA sampling can be an effective management tool in the SFE. Due to its sensitivity, eDNA sampling methods can be used to help find rare and hard to find species that are difficult to detect with traditional sampling methods, like trawls or seines. Further, it can be used to detect invasive species that may be present in low numbers or to track an invasion front. Anywhere that you can collect water, you can collect eDNA. This approach can be used to sample hard to access areas or where traditional surveys cannot be utilized. An additional benefit of eDNA sampling is that it provides a way to obtain information without the need to visually observe or handle organisms. Collection and handling can have negative effects, particularly for sensitive species. Using genetic identification through eDNA sampling can also help when species are challenging to identify visually. Different scales of analysis allow managers to ask different questions or carry out different management tasks, such as: habitat use of a rare species over space and time; initial site evaluation for a species of interest to see if further, more intensive sampling is needed; and to evaluate habitat restoration on a community wide scale. The utility and ease of sampling for eDNA make it a good compliment to traditional sampling methods and can even be more efficient in terms of time, labor, and expense. For more information about eDNA sampling in estuaries and how it can help with management needs, with a focus on those of the SFE, please see Nagarajan et al. (2022).

What researchers are currently doing with eDNA

Environmental DNA sampling is currently being instituted by different agencies and institutions to answer management questions. For example, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has implemented eDNA detection for several projects to evaluate streams after wildfires for Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog, to identify whether redds belong to Coho Salmon or Steelhead, and early detection of invasive mussels and snails in water bodies. Here in the SFE, Ann Holmes, a graduate student in the Genomic Variation Lab (GVL) at UC Davis, studied eDNA detection patterns of Delta Smelt in cages during the first cage deployment experiments at Rio Vista and the Deep Water Ship Channel (manuscript in prep). The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has several active studies currently underway focused on endangered Longfin Smelt and other listed species. The Longfin Smelt team at the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), in collaboration with Cramer Fish Sciences, has also been investigating whether eDNA sampling could be used to detect larval Longfin Smelt entrained at the Barker Slough Pumping Plant, filtering water that was collected from vegetation. DWR and Cramer Fish Sciences are also planning on utilizing eDNA sampling to monitor Chinook Salmon during droughts. A collaborative group lead by the GVL at UC Davis is working to build a database of reference sequences for fish and invertebrates in the SFE to be used for eDNA based studies. They are also comparing eDNA metabarcoding, or identifying a large group of taxa, with long term fish and invertebrate catch data around the SFE to evaluate the success of eDNA sampling as survey method in these monitoring locations.

Four water bottles with tubing connected to a pump and filtration system that is sitting on a benchtop. The setup is designed to filter the water for eDNA.
Figure 2. eDNA filtration set up in the lab. Replicate water grab samples are filtered using a peristaltic pump. Sites with lower turbidity take only a few minutes to filter. Filters can be stored in ethanol, frozen, or dried before analysis.

Challenges of eDNA in estuaries

If eDNA detection can be a helpful tool in our management toolbox, what is hindering us from applying it further in the SFE? There are a few challenges when it comes to utilizing eDNA captured in an estuarine system. Tidally influenced systems make sampling eDNA more difficult; although unidirectional flows found in streams or rivers mean eDNA is transported in the same direction, the sloshing of the tides can make it hard to know how eDNA is being moved around. This means that sampling location (shore vs. boat) and sample spacing will likely vary by species and habitat. A better understanding of hydrodynamics in estuaries would help us to understand how best to capture and interpret eDNA results.

Additionally, the higher turbidities that are found in our estuary can cause filters that capture eDNA to quickly clog, decreasing the amount of water that is filtered and thus decreasing the probability of capturing the eDNA of our species of interest. Larger pore sized filters can be used to compensate for less volume being filtered at higher turbidities, but there is a risk of allowing smaller eDNA particles to slip through the larger pores. Turbidity also can inhibit reactions in the lab, leading to incorrectly assuming eDNA was not found in the samples (false negatives). An additional clean up step to remove inhibitors may be helpful.

Used filter paper sitting on a table top that has a smiley face drawn onto the filter paper.
Figure 3. eDNA is happy to help with your monitoring questions!

Considerations for eDNA applications

The field of eDNA is still relatively new and is most powerful when used to answer questions for which it is well-suited. There are many factors that can impact the distribution and detection of eDNA in the environment such as life stage, temperature, flow rate (in aquatic environments), and degradation by microbes. Scientists are still working to understand how these factors play into the ecology of eDNA, and how to optimize their methods to account for them. Another important consideration for any study involving eDNA is the availability of reference databases. The reference databases for various organisms are constantly expanding and improving, but many species are still missing. While eDNA has been used to determine species presence or absence for some time, there is still uncertainty about its ability to estimate biomass or abundance. As the field of eDNA research continues to expand, many of these limitations will likely be overcome, which will improve the utility of the tool.

Future plans

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has initiated a new Genetic Monitoring (GeM) lab that will conduct genetic monitoring and molecular ecological studies using eDNA for water management decision-making within the SFE. As part of the State Water Project and Interagency Ecological Program (IEP), GeM research will prioritize the needs identified within the Incidental Take Permit, Biological Opinions, and water rights decisions for the State Water Project. The new lab will use innovative technology and collaborative partnerships to advance management decision-making critical to the State's water supply operation and planning. 

Female scientist bending down next to a running stream collecting a water sample.
Figure 4. Sampling for eDNA is non-invasive and can allow managers to monitor hard to access locations.

Further Reading

  • Miya, M. 2022. Environmental DNA metabarcoding: a novel method for biodiversity monitoring of marine fish communities. Annual review of marine science, 14, 161-185.
  • Nagarajan, R. P., Bedwell, M. E., Holmes, A. E., Sanches, T., Acuña, S., Baerwald, M., Barnes, M. A., Blankenship, S., Connon, R. E., Deiner, K., Gille, D., Goldberg, C. S., Hunter, M. E., Jerde, C. L., Luikart, G., Meyer, R. S., Watts, A., and Schreier, A. 2022. Environmental DNA Methods for Ecological Monitoring and Biodiversity Assessment in Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts. In press.
  • Meyer, R. S., Watts, A., and Schreier, A. 2022. Environmental DNA Methods for Ecological Monitoring and Biodiversity Assessment in Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts. In press.

Categories: General
  • March 1, 2022

We all know climate change is going to be rough. We expect increases in temperature, changes in rainfall (where, when, and how much), and local extinctions or migration of plants and wildlife as the climate shifts. Climate change can sound abstract and is often spoken of as a phenomenon of the future, despite the changes we are already seeing in our surroundings. These changes affect the San Francisco Estuary and will eventually make it necessary to adjust the way we manage our water in California if we want to lessen the impact on those ecosystems. To better understand the impacts of climate change and to better inform management strategies, a group of Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) scientists wanted to find out how much is known about climate change in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Suisun Bay and Suisun Marsh and how management actions can lessen these effects. To do this, they gathered scientists with broad expertise – from zooplankton to aquatic vegetation – and created the Climate Change Project Work Team.

The team decided to start by creating a conceptual model (similar to the Baylands Goals model created for the San Francisco Bay) and synthesize already published research in a technical report. A conceptual model is an organized way of thinking through a particular problem, system, or idea in a visual way to make it easier to see and understand connections. Conceptual models are especially helpful when working in groups as while it is developed everyone participates and has to think through the problem and understands why the model looks like it does when it’s done. The climate change conceptual model made by the group let them see how the Estuary responds to different environmental drivers and that in turn showed what subjects to read about to find the answers they were looking for. The Climate Change conceptual model (Figure 1) started with global-scale changes in the top box, which impact landscape-scale environmental conditions in the Estuary. Those landscape-scale conditions influence site-level environmental change. For example, increases in global air temperature cause increases in water temperature in the rivers and bays, which in turn impact the temperatures experienced by each critter in the rivers. These climate-change effects also interact with landscape management (such as levee construction or wetland restoration) to impact the aquatic environment at a site.

Landscape impacts from climate change (for example, sea level rise, temperatures, and salinity field) impact local scale factors within an ecosystem.

Figure 1. The Climate Change Project Work Team's conceptual model.

Putting together the conceptual model and writing a synthesis of what we know so far is useful in other ways as well. It allowed the team to find out where there are things we need to study more if we want to be able to give better answers about what will happen in our aquatic ecosystems. The model highlighted three aquatic ecosystems in the estuary where organisms will experience different effects from climate change. The largest ecosystem in the Estuary today is open water. Marshes and floodplains make up a much smaller proportion of the habitat, but are still highly important to native species. Three different teams of scientists went on to review literature on the different ecosystems, diving into the current status of fish, benthic invertebrates, plankton and aquatic vegetation, and trying to predict changes and risks.

So, what did the teams find?

Out of the three, the open water ecosystem will be most impacted by drought and warmer temperatures. The changes brought by this will make this ecosystem more suitable for many of the invasive fish, invertebrates and aquatic vegetation, though higher salinity conditions during droughts may also favor some native fishes and aquatic vegetation (Figure 2). Predictions of future Delta temperatures have found that Delta Smelt's spawning window may be greatly restricted, further stressing this endangered fish (Brown et al. 2016).

Diagram showing current status of open water ecosystems, including invasive fish, weeds, and clams.

Climate change effects on open water ecosystems includes increased temperatures, increased invasive fish, and increased harmful algal blooms.

Figure 2. Impacts of climate change in open water ecosystems include harmful algal blooms, increased invasive clams, increased aquatic weeds, and increased invasive fishes, such as largemouth bass and Mississippi silversides.

Floodplains will experience major changes in timing and magnitude of inundation. Precipitation will become more variable with more frequent extreme floods and droughts. The larger storms we have seen lately benefit floodplains and the native fish that use them to spawn and feed, but only if they occur at the right time. Floods will shift to earlier in the season as more precipitation falls as rain instead of snow, keeping migratory species from being able to use the floodplain when they need it. More frequent droughts will mean the floodplain may not be available at all for years at a time (Figure 3). Management actions that increase the frequency or duration of floodplain inundation, such as the Yolo Big Notch Project, may become more important if floodplains are to be sustainable in the future.

Diagram showing current status of floodplains in the Delta. Most floodplain habitat is restricted to the Yolo Bypass and Cosumnes, but is important spawning and rearing habitat.

Aquatic fish and other aquatic life will have reduced use of the floodplains due to reduced frequency of inundation from extended periods of drought.

Figure 3. Floodplains, which are important habitat for spawning Sacramento Splittail and juvenile Chinook Salmon will not be inundated as frequently as droughts become more frequent, and may experience earlier flooding as more precipitation falls as rain instead of snow.

Tidal marshes are relatively scarce, but very important habitats. They provide food and nursery habitat for many fish and waterbird species. Whether they will continue to exist where they are will depend on the amount of sediment that will deposit in the marshes to keep up with sea level rise. Some models show that the larger storms will bring more sediment to the Delta which will help the marshes remain, but other models show that much of our tidal marsh will drown, especially if they do not have gentle, sloping transitions to uplands. Restoration planners may need to prioritize areas with adequate transition zones if they want restoration sites to be sustainable in the long-term.

Diagram showing current status of tidal wetlands in the Delta. Wetlands are relatively rare, but provide important rearing habitat with high food availability.

Tidal wetland size and functionality will be reduced due to sea level rise, increased temperatures, and invasive species.

Figure 4. Tidal marshes may drown as sea levels rise unless they have gentle transitions to upland areas. They may also experience the same increases to invasive species and increased temperature as open water ecosystems.

Other members of the Climate Change PWT have been working on looking for temperature trends from our monitoring record. They have found evidence for increased temperatures over the past 50 years (Bashevkin et. al., 2021), lower temperatures during wetter years (Bashevkin and Mahardja, 2022), differences in temperatures at the top and bottom of the water (Mahardja et. al., 2022), and hotter temperatures in the South Delta (Pien et. al., draft manuscript).

For a young adult audience interested to learn more about the San Francisco Estuary, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in general and how climate change will affect it and the species living there check out a collection called Where the river meets the ocean – Stories from San Francisco Estuary . Many of the scientists that are on the team who wrote the Climate Change Technical Report also wrote for this collection, published by Frontiers for Young Minds.

Further Reading:

Bashevkin, S. M., and B. Mahardja. in press. Seasonally variable relationships between surface water temperature and inflow in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Limnology and Oceanography

Bashevkin, S. M., B. Mahardja, and L. R. Brown. 2021. Warming in the upper San Francisco Estuary: Patterns of water temperature change from 5 decades of data.

Brown, L. R., L. M. Komoroske, R. W. Wagner, T. Morgan-King, J. T. May, R. E. Connon, and N. A. Fangue. 2016. Coupled downscaled climate models and ecophysiological metrics forecast habitat compression for an endangered estuarine fish. Plos ONE 11(1):e0146724. 

Colombano, D. D., S. Y. Litvin, S. L. Ziegler, S. B. Alford, R. Baker, M. A. Barbeau, J. Cebrián, R. M. Connolly, C. A. Currin, L. A. Deegan, J. S. Lesser, C. W. Martin, A. E. McDonald, C. McLuckie, B. H. Morrison, J. W. Pahl, L. M. Risse, J. A. M. Smith, L. W. Staver, R. E. Turner, and N. J. Waltham. 2021. Climate Change Implications for Tidal Marshes and Food Web Linkages to Estuarine and Coastal Nekton. Estuaries and Coasts.

Dettinger, M., J. Anderson, M. Anderson, L. Brown, D. Cayan, and E. Maurer. 2016. Climate change and the Delta. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 14(3).

Knowles, N., C. Cronkite-Ratcliff, D. W. Pierce, and D. R. Cayan. 2018. Responses of Unimpaired Flows, Storage, and Managed Flows to Scenarios of Climate Change in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Watershed. Water Resources Research 54(10):7631-7650. 2

Mann, M. E., and P. H. Gleick. 2015. Climate change and California drought in the 21st century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(13):3858-3859.

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