Science Stories: Adventures in Bay-Delta Data

  • December 30, 2021

Lots of Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) scientists research fish. Of the 22 surveys in IEP's Research Fleet, 17 are primarily focused on fish. But fish in the San Francisco Estuary are hard to catch these days. Over the past thirty years, Delta Smelt, Longfin Smelt, and even the notoriously hardy Striped Bass have declined precipitously (CDFW FMWT data). To figure out how to reverse these declines, we need an understanding of the “bottom-up” processes that exert control on these populations—we need to study fish food. Therefore, we need to increase our understanding of what pelagic fish eat: zooplankton.

Magnifying glass with cartoon images of several zooplankters

If you’ve spent any time around fish people, you’ve probably heard the word “zooplankton”, but you might not really know what it means. Zooplankton are small animals that live in open water and cannot actively swim against the current (“plankton” means “floating” in Greek). They include crustaceans (copepods, water fleas, larval crabs, etc.), jellyfish, rotifers, and larval fish. Most of them are hard to see without a microscope, so they are easy to overlook – but you’d miss them if they weren’t there because most of your favorite fish rely on zooplankton for food.

Fortunately, the IEP Zooplankton Project Work Team has been tackling the problem head-on. The group got started when Louise Conrad and Rosemary Hartman were both collecting zooplankton samples near the same restoration site. They thought “We’d be able to say a lot more about the restoration site if we combined our data sets!” But with samples collected using different gear and identified by different taxonomists, it proved more difficult than they originally thought. They needed a team of experts to help them figure out how to deal with the differences in their data. So the Zooplankton Synthesis Team was born! The original team included Karen Kayfetz, Madison Thomas, April Hennessy, Christina Burdi, Sam Bashevkin, Trishelle Tempel, and Arthur Barros, but soon grew as more people heard about the discussions they were having.

The team started by identifying the major zooplankton datasets that IEP collects and dealing with tricky data integration questions:

  • Can you integrate data sets when the critters were collected with different mesh sizes?
  • What do you do when one data set identifies the organisms to genus and another one identifies down to species?
  • What if these levels of identification change over time?
  • Does preservation method impact the dataset?

diagram of three data sets being put into a machine and turning into one data set

To integrate data sets, the team standardized variable names, standardized taxon names, and summarized taxa based on their lowest common level of resolution.

While working through these sticky questions, they compiled what they learned about the individual zooplankton surveys into a technical report (PDF) describing each survey and how they are similar and different. They published a data package integrating five different surveys into a single dataset and Sam put together a fantastic web application that allows users to filter and download the data with a click of a button.

The team had put together the data, but there was more work to do. They realized they needed to do more if they wanted people to use their data. Lots of data on zooplankton get collected, but few research articles are published about zooplankton, and zooplankton data are rarely used to inform management decisions. To get the broader scientific community excited about zooplankton in the estuary, the ZoopSynth team worked with the Delta Science Program to host a Zooplankton Ecology Symposium with zooplankton researchers from across the estuary and across the country (you can watch the Symposium recording on YouTube.). From this symposium they learned a few important lessons to help increase communication and visibility of zooplankton data and research:

  • Managers and scientists should work together to develop clear goals and objectives for management actions. Is there a threshold of zooplankton biomass or abundance to achieve? Or is the goal simply higher biomass of certain taxa? This will make it easier to design a study that provides management-relevant results.
  • Scientists should understand the management goals and keep the end goal in mind. If the end goal is fish food, study taxa that are most common in fish diets. If the primary interest is contaminant effects, focus on sensitive species.
  • We need to start using new tools like automated imagery and DNA along with traditional microscopy to collect better data faster.
  • We need to maximize the accessibility of zooplankton data to scientists and managers. Scientists should share data in publicly available places in easy-to-read formats. Similarly, managers should share lessons learned from management actions widely, and use them for adaptive management. Both scientists and managers should be encouraged to ask questions of each other to ensure both understand the best uses for zooplankton data.

These lessons, (and more!) are summarized in a recent essay published in San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences. If that’s too much reading, the team also produced some fact sheets summarizing the major take-home messages of the essay and the symposium:

The team has expanded into an official IEP Project Work Team that meets monthly to discuss new zooplankton research ideas, share analyses, look at cool pictures of bugs, and talk about trends. If you’re interested in joining, contact Sam at

diagram of organism giving presentation

Categories: BlogDataScience, General
  • September 28, 2021


Smelt population was crashing for sure,

While managers franticly searched for a cure.

A synthesis team was tasked with the goal

Of testing if outflow could fill in the hole.


Though nothing is ever as clear as it seems

The FLOAT-MAST was faultless in chasing their dreams.

They looked at the plankton, the fish and the flow,

But temperature left them with nowhere to go.


Fall outflow may manage a critical part,

But ecology complicates things from the start.

High outflow alone was never enough,

To find a solution may always be tough.


But FLOAT will continue in showing the way

For science and synthesis even today.

Act I

It was a dark and stormy night. Actually, it wasn’t stormy, which was the problem. The curtain rises on the intrepid scientists of the Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) in 2016 as California’s drought continues. They are wrestling with a critical question: Is high fall outflow the key to improving habitat conditions for Delta Smelt and benefiting the population? Scientists and resource managers in the San Francisco Estuary are desperately trying to save the endangered Delta Smelt, but the best research to date had resulted in “It’s complicated” (Sommer et al. 2007). However, many studies pointed to high Delta outflow (freshwater flowing out of the estuary) was an important part of the story (IEP-MAST et al. 2015; Thomson et al. 2010). Delta Smelt had positive population growth rates only twice since 2002, and both years had high flows.

Enter from stage left, our heroes: The Flow Alteration Management Analysis and Synthesis Team (FLOAT-MAST). Their task was to evaluate all aspects of Delta Smelt population, health, life history, and habitat to see whether high flows would again allow Delta Smelt to rebound. This effort would build on previous synthesis efforts summarizing what we know about Delta Smelt and fall low-salinity-zone habitat (Brown et al. 2014; IEP-MAST et al. 2015). The report on their work “Synthesis of data and studies relating to Delta Smelt biology in the San Francisco Estuary, emphasizing water year 2017” (FLOAT MAST 2021), just came out, but the punchline was clear from the contents of the [empty] fish nets. High outflow alone was not enough to cause population recovery for Delta Smelt. However, the team was able to show which of our ideas about Delta Smelt habitat requirements still have merit, and which need to be revised. This is their story.

If the goal was Science for Science’s sake, it would have been one thing, but the science surrounding flow in the Delta is tightly tied to water management. The stakes were high. In 2016, USFWS asked for increased Delta outflow in the fall to benefit Delta Smelt above what was required by Water Rights Decision 1641 (D-1641). There wasn’t enough water available to increase Delta outflow in 2016, but IEP scientists began laying the framework to analyze future actions. In 2017, they lucked out. It was the wettest water year (measured from October 1st to September 31st) on record in Northern California (DWR 2019 (PDF)), so Delta Smelt were going to have lots of outflow! Now was the chance for FLOAT-MAST to test their hypothesis that high fall outflow is helpful for Delta Smelt!

Why did they think fall outflow was important? Well, previous work investigating ideal habitat for Delta Smelt discovered that smelt like water in a particular range of salinity and turbidity (Sommer and Mejia 2013). They like to hang out in the “Low Salinity Zone” (LSZ, between 0.5-6 ppt) during the fall, though some fish hang out in fresh water year round (no one told them that smelt prefer 0.5-6ppt; (Hobbs et al. 2019c)). Salinity in the estuary can swing widely if the amount of freshwater outflow increases or decreases, meaning the Low Salinity Zone is dynamic, sometimes occurring upstream in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, sometimes occurring downstream in Suisun Bay and Suisun Marsh. However, good habitat for Delta Smelt is about more than just salinity. Areas with stationary habitat aspects (things that are not dynamic or changing over time) that include lots of extended shallows, narrow channels with tidal wetlands, and sandy shoals are also thought to be better for smelt because they have more places to rest and more food (Bever et al. 2016; Hammock et al. 2019). High Delta outflow lets the dynamic region of good salinity overlap with the areas of good stationary habitat with tidal wetlands and shallow shoals, creating the perfect spot for smelt (Figure 1).

Diagram of Delta Smelt habitat showing how low outflow puts the good salinity zone in the Sacramento River (which is mediocre habitat, like a Motel 6), while high outflow puts good salinity in Suisun, which is good habitat (like the Hilton).

Figure 1. The relationship between Delta outflow and Delta Smelt habitat. When outflow is low, the area of good salinity conditions (dynamic habitat) is upstream in the Sacramento River, where the stationary habitat is mostly narrow channels, which aren’t too comfortable to Delta Smelt. When outflow is high, the low salinity zone is pushed into Suisun Marsh, where higher turbidity, extended shoals, and marshes provide better habitat.

Act II

The FLOAT-MAST team was made up of scientists, but each came from different organizations with different expertise. To remain as scientifically objective and independent as possible, it was critical to let the data tell the story. Dr. Larry Brown from the US Geologic Survey was chosen to lead the team because he was a foundational leader within the scientific community who was broadly trusted to provide the best scientific, independent leadership.

Larry wanted to let the data speak for themselves, but data tend to babble. The team started by concentrating on fall habitat conditions but realized conditions in summer were also important. So was spring. Likewise, flow was important but was really just an index of temperature and salinity and food and habitat. There were SO MANY THINGS GOING ON! Herding the cats and getting all the various pieces to tell a coherent story was more difficult than previously thought. Ecology is always more complex than we expect, and even the best management action is unlikely to work the same way every time.

To make matters worse, when the final data from 2017 were in, it was clear there would be no happy ending. High temperatures in the summer 2017 caused the Delta Smelt population to crash before the high fall flows could have any benefit. The population was so low going in to 2017 that they needed a really fantastic year, and instead had the lowest population index on record. Much of the exciting analysis the team had planned never made it into the final report because the high temperatures swamped any potential benefits of flow, rendering those analyses pointless, or impossible. The low fish catch meant they could not really look at fish health, size, or distribution because they just couldn’t catch enough of them.

The team had chosen to divide up the work and each write chapters on salinity, temperature, turbidity, phytoplankton, clams, zooplankton, smelt health, smelt distribution, and smelt survival and summarize the different lines of evidence into a final conclusion. Unfortunately, people with different perspectives added these lines of evidence up in different ways. Some lines showed that high fall outflow helped smelt, other lines showed high fall outflow had no effect. Some lines were inconclusive in regards to flow, and some showed a negative relationship. However, they could say conclusively that 2017 was not a good year for smelt, probably due to high temperatures (Table 1).

While they couldn’t make conclusions on the effectiveness of the 2017 flow action, the team achieved a lot of other important wins along the way.

  • By partnering with UC Davis researchers, the team could look at details that trawl surveys can’t tell us, like how Delta Smelt eat, grow, move from place to place, and how the environment influences their health (Hammock et al. 2020; Hobbs et al. 2019a; Hobbs et al. 2019b; Teh et al. 2020).
  • The data analysis and special studies initiated by the FLOAT team helped to build life-cycle models for Delta Smelt so they could predict smelt responses in future years (Polansky et al. 2019; Smith et al. 2020).
  • The team itself provided an awesome opportunity for scientists to learn from one another and think broadly about the big picture. As one team member said “I learned more from one two-hour meeting than a decade of workshops.” Putting a team of experts together allowed them the freedom to talk and think creatively about solutions (and it was fun too!). While most of the ideas and analyses did not make it into the final report, they increased the capacity of our team to tackle similar analyses faster in the future.

As a scientific community we learned the importance of looking at the big picture. To make it easier to look at the big picture, Larry and the Delta Science Program put together a “Smelt Conditions Report” updated annually to see how the year shaped up for Delta Smelt (DSP, 2020).

Table 1 - Results of analyses of each response variable assessed as part of the FLOAT-MAST report for the most recent high flow-years (2006, 2011, and 2017), low flow years, and specifically for 2017. Arrows represent direction of trend, with sideways arrows indicating varying results. Solid green symbols signify the variable responded as predicted. Red checked symbols signify the variable did not respond as predicted. Grey circles indicate insufficient data to evaluate the variable.
Physical Habitat Low Flows High Flows 2017
Fall LSZ Location Confluence Suisun Suisun
Area of LSZ Decreased as expected Increased as expected Increased as expected
Turbidity Could not evaluate Could not evaluate Could not evaluate
Water Temperature Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response
Biotic Habitat Low Flows High Flows 2017
Phytoplankton Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response increased as expected
Harmful algal blooms increased as expected decreased as expected decreased as expected
Zooplankton Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response increased as expected
Clams increased as expected decreased as expected decreased as expected
Water Hyacinth increased as expected decreased as expected decreased as expected
Delta Smelt Low Flows High Flows 2017
Distribution Could not evaluate Could not evaluate Could not evaluate
Growth and Survival Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected decrease
Health Metrics Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response
Feeding Success Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected decrease
Life History Diversity Unexpected ambiguous response Unexpected ambiguous response Could not evaluate


The first draft of the report was completed by spring of 2019. Larry and the team had done their best to connect the pieces and provide a scientifically robust, comprehensive view on why we did not see the predicted response to fall outflow. The draft report was distributed for peer review. The lengthy review process began, with comments coming in from the IEP Science Management Team, Flow Alteration Project Work Team, various members of the authors’ management chains, and USGS’s external peer review process. Larry took it upon himself to tackle addressing the bulk of the comments and had the report almost ready for distribution when tragedy struck. Larry passed away from a massive heart attack early in 2021, just before his scheduled retirement. Larry was one of the most experienced, respected, and prolific scientists in the Bay-Delta community. He was an important mentor to hundreds of younger scientists, and his loss is felt deeply (Herbold et al. 2021).

The remaining team members finalized the document and distributed it far and wide. They also produced a two-page summary (PDF) that boiled down a 265 page report (with 475 pages of appendices) to a quick fact sheet designed for managers that are in a hurry. They are currently planning their next steps. The new environmental regulations for the State and Central Valley Water Projects include a number of fall flow actions, and the FLOAT-MAST team’s experience evaluating the high flow of 2017 may help evaluate these new actions as well.

What can we take from the FLOAT-MAST experience? A few clear lessons stand out.

  • If you are going to have a huge synthesis project tackling lots of hypotheses and topics, and that includes many experts, you better have a stellar champion. You need the leader, the orchestrator. Larry was so excellent at that and this project is just one example of why he is so missed. If we are going to tackle wide-ranging synthesis questions, find the leader first. AND – we need to cultivate synthesis leaders in our community.
  • Huge synthesis projects take a long time. If you need a fast answer, projects should be smaller in scope with a clear management question. They should produce quantitative results that answer quantitative questions, when possible, instead of relying on descriptive analyses.
  •  Partnerships yield tremendous benefits in synthesis projects, especially large ones like this one. We can’t be afraid to reach out to experts that might make our work better, in ways we can’t even predict.
  • Ecology is always more complicated than we want to admit. We have an anthropogenically altered system, and climate change will decrease our ability to predict the outcome of our management actions. Flow is one of the few variables we can change through management actions, but other stressors (over which we may not have as much control), such as temperature, will frequently mask the effect of flow.
  • Scientists need opportunities to think creatively about the big picture. Large synthesis projects are opportunities to train early-career scientists to put together multiple analyses to answer a management question.


Tiny Delta Smelt

Need more than Delta Outflow

Water must be cool.

Further Reading

Categories: General
  • August 13, 2021

When you are running a long-term monitoring program, it’s easy to keep plugging away doing the same old thing over and over again. That’s what “long term monitoring” is all about right? But is the survey we designed 40 years ago still giving us useful data? With new sampling gear, new statistics, and new mandates, can we improve our monitoring to better meet our needs? These questions have been on the minds of Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) researchers, so an elite team spent over a year doing a rigorous evaluation of three of IEP’s fisheries surveys to figure out how we can improve our monitoring program. The team was assembled with representatives from multiple agencies who each brought something to the table: guidance and facilitation, experience using the data, regulatory background, quantitative skills, and outside statistical expertise. This wasn’t the first time IEP reviewed itself, but it was the first time they tried to take a really quantitative look at it. The team focused on trying to assess the ability of the datasets to answer types of management questions based on themes, so multiple surveys were reviewed together.

The Team

  • Dr. Steve Culberson, IEP Lead Scientist - Guidance and Facilitation
  • Stephanie Fong, IEP Program Manager – Guidance and Facilitation
  • Dr. Jereme Gaeta, CDFW Senior Environmental Scientist – Quantitative Ecologist
  • Dr. Brock Huntsman, USGS Fish Biologist – Quantitative Ecologist
  • Dr. Sam Bashevkin, DSP Senior Environmental Scientist – Quantitative Ecologist
  • Brian Mahardja, USBR Biologist – Quantitative Ecologist and Data User
  • Dr. Mike Beakes USBR Biologist – Quantitative Ecologist and Data User
  • Dr. Barry Noon, Colorado State University – Independent statistical consultant
  • Fred Feyrer, USGS Fish Biologist – Data User
  • Stephen Louie, State Water Board Senior Environmental Scientist – Regulator
  • Steven Slater, CDFW Senior Environmental Scientist - Principal Investigator – FMWT
  • Kathy Hieb, CDFW Senior Environmental Scientist – Principal Investigator – Bay Study
  • Dr. John Durand – UC Davis, Principal Investigator – Suisun Marsh Survey

The Surveys

  • Fall Midwater Trawl (FMWT) – One of the cornerstones of IEP since 1967, this California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) survey runs from September-December every year and was originally designed to monitor the impact of the State Water Project and Central Valley Project on yearling striped bass.
  • San Francisco Bay Study – On the water since 1980, Bay Study was also run by the CDFW and runs year-round from the South Bay to the Confluence. It also monitors the effects of the Projects on fish communities.
  • Suisun Marsh Survey – Starting in 1979, the Suisun Marsh Survey is conducted by UC Davis with funding from the Department of Water Resources. This survey describes the impact of the Projects and the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates on fish in the Marsh.

The Gear

  • The otter trawl – A big net towed along the ground behind a boat, this type of net targets fish that hang out on the bottom (“demersal fishes”). This net only samples the bottom in deep water, but will sample most of the water column in shallower channels (less than 3 meters deep).
  • The midwater trawl – Another big net, but this one starts at the bottom and is pulled in toward the boat while trawling, gradually reducing the depth of the net so all depths are sampled equally. This net targets fish that like living in open water (“pelagic fishes”).

The question: Can we make it better?

A group of fish get together and look at a diagram that says: Surveys produce Data that inform decisions that inform mandates.
Figure1. The team assembled to see how surveys could generate the best data to inform decisions and fulfill their regulatory mandates.

The question seemed simple – but the answer was unexpectedly complex. While the surveys all targeted similar fish, used similar gear, and went to similar places, they all had enough differences in their survey design, mandates, and institutional history that looking at them together wasn’t easy.

The first step in the review process was, perhaps, the most difficult. The team had to get the buy-in from all the leaders of the surveys under review, all the regulators mandating that the surveys take place, all the people critical of the surveys as they currently stand, and the supervisors of the team who were going to devote a large percentage of their time to the effort. Getting trust from multiple interest groups was challenging, but it was also one of the most rewarding and exciting parts of the process. Stephanie reflected: “We plan to incorporate more of their recommendations in upcoming reviews and increase our collaboration with them… it also would have been helpful if we could have spent more time up front with getting buy-in from those being reviewed and those critical of the surveys.”

Once everyone was on board, the team took a deep dive into the background behind each survey. Why was it established? How have the data been used in the past? Has it made any changes over time? How are the data currently shared and used? Putting together this information gave them a great appreciation for the broad range of experience within IEP. In particular, the team needed to pay attention to the regulatory mandates that first called for the surveys (such as Endangered Species Act Biological Opinions and Water Rights Decisions), to make sure the surveys were still meeting their needs.

The next step was putting the data together, and here’s where it got hard. The team had to find all the data, interpret the metadata, and convert it into standard formats that were comparable between surveys. Even basic things like the names of fish were different. In the FMWT data, a striped bass was “1”, in the Suisun Marsh data a striped bass was “SB”, and in the Bay Study data a striped bass was “STRBAS”. The team quickly identified a few easy steps that could improve the programs without changing a single survey protocol!

  1. Make all data publicly available on the web in the form of non-proprietary flat files (such as text or .csv spreadsheets)
  2. Create detailed metadata documents describing all the information needed to understand the survey (assume the person reading it is a total stranger who knows nothing about your program!)

Figuring out better methods of storing and sharing data is relatively easy, but how do we decide whether we should change when and where and how the surveys actually catch fish? The surveys were all intended to track changes in the fish community, but community-level changes are complex, with over 100 fish species in the estuary. The team decided to divide the task into three parts:

  1. Figure out how to quantify bias between the surveys for individual fish (seeing if some surveys are more likely to catch certain species than the other surveys, Figure 2).
  2. Create a better definition of the “fish community” by identifying which groups of species are caught together more often (Figure 3).
  3. See what happens when we change how often we sample or how many stations we sample. Do we lose any information if we do less work?

Image of a classification tree with four groups of fish labeled: Brackish, Fresh, Marine, and Grunion.
Figure 2. The quantitative ecologists used a form of hierarchical clustering to figure out which groups of fish are most frequently caught together, and which species is most indicative of each group. The indicator species are the ones with the gold stars. Figure adapted from IEP Survey Review Team (2021).

Going through this process involved pulling out all the fancy math and computer programing. Sam, Brian, Jereme, Mike, and Brock explored the world of generalized additive models, principle tensor analysis, Bayesian generalized linear mixed models, hierarchical cluster analysis, and things involving overdispersion in negative binomial distributions. If there were a way to Math their way to the answer, they were going to find it!

Image of a midwater trawl with two fish talking about whether there are any biases in their fishing. They agree that the boat probably catches fewer fish than we think it does.
Figure 3. The team also evaluated biases in sampling gear. Sampling bias occurs when the gear doesn't sample all fish consistently. Sometimes they miss fish of certain sizes, fish that live in certain habitats, or fish that can evade the nets.

For better or worse, Math and a 1-year pilot effort will only get you so far. The team could develop some recommendations, scenarios, and new methods, but it will be up to management to decide how to continue the review effort and then implement change. Their results highlighted a few key points that will be useful in reviewing the rest of IEP’s surveys and making decisions about changes:

  1. Involving stakeholders early in the review process will increase transparency, facilitate sharing of ideas, and promote community understanding.
  2. We need to characterize the biases of our sampling gear in order to make stronger conclusions about fish populations.
  3. Identifying distinct communities of fish helps us track changes over time and space.
  4. We can use Bayesian simulation methods to test the impacts of altered sampling designs on our understanding of estuarine ecology.
  5. These sort of reviews take time and effort by a highly skilled set of scientists, so IEP will need to dedicate a lot of staff to a full review of all their surveys.

Further Reading

Categories: BlogDataScience, General
  • May 17, 2021

One of life’s greatest joys is playing with data. However, not everyone has the time or experience needed to make fancy graphs. Fortunately, availability of on-line web applications that allow people with no data analysis experience to visualize status and trends of data across space and time has exploded in recent years.

Three fish look at a graph. One says 'I want to make graphs, but I can't type with fins'. Another says 'I don't even know where to get the data!'. The third says 'Don't worry, there are lots of apps that you can use to graph the data automatically.'
Figure 1. Fish love data, but they need a little help making their graphs.

One of the first data visualization tools was the mapping widgets on the CDFW website. These maps allow you to plot the catch for different fish species as different size bubbles, and have been available since the late 1990s:

But we needed better ways to display data from multiple surveys at once at the click of a button. The website Bay Delta Live was launched in 2007 as a home for Bay-Delta data and data visualizations. It includes summaries, graphs, and interactive visualizations for water quality, operations, fish monitoring, and special studies.

A similar website, SacPas, was built specifically for synthesizing, summarizing, and displaying data for salmonids in the Central Valley. It allows a user to visualize data on salmon abundance, temperature thresholds, river conditions, and hydrologic conditions. It also lets you play with a nifty Chinook Salmon population model and download all the underlying data.

Three fish look at a map. The tule perch says 'This app lets you see how much flow you need to get different amounts of salmon habitat.' The splittail says 'This is great! Where is ths splittail habitat app?'
Figure 2. FLowWest's Central Valley Instream Rearing Habitat Calculator shiny app

Custom-built websites like Bay Delta Live and SacPas are great, but they are built by web developers, not fisheries scientists. Now, thanks to user-friendly data display tools such as Tableau and the increase in coding literacy among environmental scientists, more and more people can create their own on-line data visualizations. This means the number of data visualizations apps has grown astronomically in the past few years, and many apps are custom-built for specific scientific questions.

The Delta Science Program now hosts a number of these visualizations built with the R package “shiny’

Three fish look at a map. The tule perch says 'This app lets you make maps of all the IEP fish sampling stations.' The striped bass says 'Oh, good, now I know all the places I should avoid.'
Figure 3. You can now map all the stations monitored by IEP's long-term surveys.

Other Shiny apps have launched recently on a variety of other platforms:

Three fish look at a graph of salmon survival. The Tule Perch says 'you can use the STARS model to look at survival probabilities'. The splittail says 'I'm glad I don't have to migrate through the Delta.'
Figure 4. CalFishTrack includes a Shiny App of their Survival Travel time And Routing Simulation (STARS).

USGS has developed several new dashboards for mapping water and water quality data:

With all these tools out there, it’s one big data playground! If you’re interested in making your own, it’s easy to get started with Shiny. Visit the Learn Shiny video tutorial!

Categories: General
  • April 1, 2021

By Rosemary Hartman, Brian Mahardja, and Vanessa Tobias

We are now half-way through Water Year 2021 (which started in October of 2020) and it seems likely that California will experience another dry year. The frequency of prolonged drought events is projected to increase due to climate change and the San Francisco Estuary system is expected to have more wild swings between floods and droughts. This was in the mind of a handful of IEP scientists back during the last California drought of 2012-2015. They were wondering, which fish species are negatively impacted by drought, and would they rebound in numbers after the drought is over? Brian Mahardja, Vanessa Tobias, Shruti Khanna, Lara Mitchell, Peggy Lehman, Ted Sommer, Larry Brown, Steven Culberson, and J. Louise Conrad published the results of their study in a recent journal article.

The Delta’s fish community is unique, with a melting pot of native fish and introduced fish. The native fish evolved with California’s regular cycles of droughts and floods. Some of the non-native fish come from ecosystems that are usually less volatile, so may have a harder time resisting the negative effects of drought and bouncing back. However, other introduced fish are considered “weedy” species that take advantage of disturbance. They might be particularly good at bouncing back after a drought.

The IEP researchers used data collected covering previous droughts in California to test these hypotheses. They compared fish abundance as measured by the CDFW Fall Midwater Trawl and the USFWS Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program Beach Seines before, during, and after the droughts of 1976-1977, 1987-1994, 2001-2002, 2007-2010 and 2012-2016 (Figure 1).

Bar chart showing periods of drought and non-drought from 1967-2017.
Figure 1. Periods of drought in the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta over the past 50 years. Figure is copied from Mahardja et al. 2021.

Though it sounded simple, the process ended up not being very straightforward. Even the definition of what a “drought” was turned out to be complicated. If you’re from the East Coast of the US, five months without rain is a “drought”. But in California, we would just call that “summer”. For Californians, we need lower-than-normal precipitation for multiple years in a row before we start worrying. Drought is often defined by its impact on people – dry soil conditions, low water storage, and water supply problems – but what does drought mean if you are a fish? The team had to make decisions. They also had to decide which components of the ecosystem to look at. At first they wanted to look at everything IEP monitors – water quality, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish, but decided that just doing fish was hard enough!

It was a big team working on the project, and they each brought skills to the analysis. Brian, Lara, Vanessa, and Shruti had a lot of experience with complex statistics and data analysis. Lara was “an R Wizard” who streamlined the data processing. Ted and Larry brought their fish expertise and deep knowledge of the system. Steve and Peggy provided hydrologic and water quality knowledge. Louise was the lead of the IEP synthesis program and organized the overall drought synthesis effort. Even though several authors changed jobs midway through the project, the great thing about working in the IEP community is that the new employers were supportive of seeing the project through, since they knew it would help the IEP community as a whole.

The team found that many fish species declined in abundance during the drought (they had “low resistance to disturbance”), particularly pelagic species such as Delta Smelt, American Shad, and young Striped Bass (Figure 2). Many of these species had the ability to “bounce back” after the drought (they had “high resilience”), however some species never returned to their former abundance (such as the Delta Smelt). Other fish species didn’t decline during the droughts (they had “higher resistance”). These included many of the fish of the littoral habitat, including Largemouth Bass, Redear Sunfish, and Chinook Salmon. A few of the non-native littoral species even increased in abundance during some of the droughts, particularly Mississippi Silversides and Bluegill.

Climate change is likely to increase the frequency and severity of droughts. If these results hold true, we could see a shift in the fish community away from native pelagic fish and towards more non-native littoral fish. Because freshwater flow is a tightly managed commodity, particularly during drought conditions, finding a balance of water use for people and water use for native species will become increasingly difficult.

Graphic show responses of American Shad, Delta Smelt, Striped Bass, Chinook Salmon, Splittail, Bluegill, and Silversides to drought.
Figure 2. Fish populations have different responses when it comes to drought. Many of the pelagic species decline, but bounce back. Some don't bounce back quite as well. Many littoral fish don't decline, or even increase in population during droughts. Fish photos from US Bureau of Reclamation.

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