Workshop Updates

  • February 28, 2024

Hello IEP community,

This year, the IEP workshop is offering both in-person and virtual mentoring luncheons!  Both the in-person and virtual luncheons will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, as part of this year's IEP workshop. The luncheon is aimed at connecting early career and new professionals working on the Bay-Delta with professionals who are more familiar with the community of researchers, managers, and conservation/natural resource practitioners who are more familiar with the issues, priorities, and professional opportunities. We encourage attendance by mentors and mentees with a wide range of interests, expertise, and experiences.


If you are interested in attending the luncheon as either a mentor or mentee, please complete this Registration Questionnaire (MS Form) by Monday, March 4. Both the virtual and in-person luncheon will be limited to 25-30 people (mentees and mentors), with participation based on the order in which people sign up.

The in-person luncheon will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the California Natural Resources Building in Room 2-301. Lunch will be provided by the building's Getaway Café. The virtual luncheon will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. Mentors and mentees will be placed in separate breakout rooms to facilitate conversation, with mentees having the opportunity to move to other rooms.

Thank you to the State Water Contractors for sponsoring the in-person luncheon!

Please contact Kristi Arend ( with any questions.

Kristi Arend
IEP Workshop Committee, Luncheon Chair

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • February 1, 2024

Save the Dates April 18 and April 23-25, 2024 for the IEP Annual Workshop!

The 2024 workshop will be held in the auditorium of the California Natural Resources Agency building (715 P Street, Sacramento). It will be a free, hybrid event (in-person + virtual).

Registration for the workshop opens March 15, 2024. Check out the IEP Annual Workshop web page for the Program Overview and more information on the workshop format.

This year IEP will also be hosting a one-day remote Training Course on April 18 (one week before the workshop). This training will have four separate courses followed by a Panel Q&A. Courses will be focused on:

  • Data Management
  • Coded Data Access
  • Metadata and Data Publication
  • Visualization and Communication of Data

More information on these training courses and how to register will be coming soon!

Virtual Early Career Luncheon - We are Looking for Volunteers!

During the workshop, we have an in-person luncheon on the first day for a small group of early career scientists. We'd like to offer the luncheon to our virtual participants as well this year, but we need volunteers to help run the virtual event. The luncheon will take place on Tuesday, April 23 from 12:25 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

As a volunteer, your participation will primarily involve hosting a Teams or a Zoom meeting with breakout rooms and helping people move between the rooms, as needed. Anyone who is interested in volunteering should contact Kristin Arend at

Want to get timely updates about the workshop?

Make sure you and your colleagues are subscribed to the IEP Workshop listserv! New information posted on the workshop web page will be shared with list subscribers.

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • November 14, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members,

The IEP Workshop Planning Committee is planning a Data Management Workshop for either the same week as the IEP Workshop (April 23-25, 2024), or the week before or after the workshop. The workshop will be remote and approximately 4 hours. We would like to tailor the topics to everyone’s interests and thus are soliciting feedback on which topics we should cover.

Please fill out a short survey by Thursday 11/30/2023: Data Management Workshop Questionnaire.
Please share this survey with your staff or other colleagues who may not be on this distribution list.

Reach out to Catarina Pien ( or Dave Bosworth ( if you have any questions.


Catarina Pien (she/her)
Fish Biologist
Science Division | Bay-Delta Office
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Region 10

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • October 27, 2023


The IEP Workshop Planning Committee is extending the deadline for abstract submissions. Even though there are limited spaces for speakers and posters, we encourage all interested scientists to submit an abstract. Presenters will need to attend the workshop in person for their presentation (this applies to posters as well as oral talks).

  • Please complete the Abstract Submission Form.
  • Submission deadline extended to November 1, 2023.
  • Only submit one abstract per person as the primary presenter (though presenters may be listed as co-authors on other presentations).

Abstracts will be selected based on:

  • Interest to the IEP community. Priority will be given to abstracts aligning with the IEP Science Strategy or that were derived from IEP workplan elements.
  • Originality. Priority will be given to abstracts that have not been presented elsewhere, and to speakers who did not present at the 2023 IEP workshop.
  • Collaboration. Priority will be given to abstracts that include collaborative work between two or more agencies or groups.
  • Inclusion. The planning committee will strive to ensure at least half the abstracts chosen are from students or early career professionals.

If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Christine Joab ( and Rosemary Hartman (

To receive email announcements about the workshop, subscribe to the IEP Workshop listserv.

Information about the workshop will also be posted on the IEP Workshop web page as it becomes available.

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • October 24, 2023

Abstracts for the 2024 IEP Workshop Due Soon!

Last Call! Talk and poster abstracts due October 27, 2023.

The IEP Workshop Planning Committee is striving to increase the breadth and inclusivity of talks in the 2024 IEP workshop, so they are announcing a general call for abstracts for both talks and posters from researchers across IEP agencies, affiliates, stakeholders, and collaborators.

There are a limited number of spaces available for speakers and posters during the workshop, so not all abstracts will be selected, but we encourage all interested scientists to submit an abstract. Presenters will need to attend the workshop in person for their presentation (this applies to posters as well as oral talks). All oral presentations will be live-streamed for remote viewers.

  • Abstract Submission - please complete this form to submit abstract.
  • Deadline for abstract submission is October 27, 2023.
  • Please only submit one abstract per person as the primary presenter (though presenters may be listed as co-authors on other presentations).

Abstracts will be selected based on:

  • Interest to the IEP community. Priority will be given to abstracts aligning with the IEP Science Strategy or that were derived from IEP workplan elements.
  • Originality. Priority will be given to abstracts that have not been presented elsewhere, and to speakers who did not present at the 2023 IEP workshop.
  • Collaboration. Priority will be given to abstracts that include collaborative work between two or more agencies or groups.
  • Inclusion. The planning committee will strive to ensure at least half the abstracts chosen are from students or early career professionals.

If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Christine Joab ( and Rosemary Hartman (

To receive email announcements about the workshop, subscribe to the IEP Workshop listserv.

Information about the workshop will also be posted on the IEP Workshop web page as it becomes available.

Categories: 2024 Workshop