Workshop Updates

  • March 28, 2022

Hello IEP community members,

Early Career Poster and People's Choice Awards

Thank you to those who voted after the 2022 IEP Workshop. Taking the time to vote shows your appreciation and recognition for the hard work contributed by all the workshop presenters. We would like to announce the winners for the Best Early Career Poster and the People's Choice for Best Presentation. Please send a congratulations to early career poster winner, Claudia Macfarlane of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for her poster "Liberty Island: A New Hope for Natives" and to Denise Colombano of the University of California, Berkeley for her plenary talk "Strength in Numbers: advancing estuarine ecology through data synthesis and collaboration".

We would also like to give a big shout out to all the other presenters and poster authors on the quality work they contributed to the workshop. We heard many compliments from attendees on the high quality of the presentations and posters that were presented in this year's event.

Workshop Recordings and R Micro-Training Materials

An announcement will be sent once the workshop session recordings are available and posted online. The materials and videos for the R Micro-Training courses (Sessions V - VII) are available on Jereme Gaeta's Statistical Micro-Training GitHub page.

IEP 2022 Workshop Feedback

Lastly, we'd like to hear your feedback on the workshop. You can provide your comments by completing the Workshop Feedback Form by April 1. If you'd like to participate in the planning for the 2023 workshop, send an email to Steve Culberson and Christine Joab.

See you next year!

IEP Program Support Team

Categories: 2022 Workshop
  • March 25, 2022

Hello IEP Community members,

We hope that all of you had the opportunity to join the 2022 IEP Workshop on March 22-24. The IEP Lead Scientist and IEP Support Team would like to thank the IEP Planning Committee, the Workshop Session Chairs and their speakers for volunteering their time to develop this year's workshop program. We'd also like to extend our thanks to all of you who made time to attend the workshop. Your questions and comments during individual sessions were informative and allowed for some good discussion. Hopefully, you will continue those discussions by reaching out to the presenters. Recordings of the workshop will be posted once we complete post processing.

We'd also like to extend our appreciation to poster authors for making time to meet with attendees during the evening poster session. We heard positive feedback on the format of using breakout rooms to allow for group discussion. Finally, a big THANK YOU to mentors and mentees for being willing to engage in a virtual mentor lunch - first of its kind.

IEP 2022 Workshop Ballot Form

Now it is time to show consideration to the poster authors and presenters by remembering to vote. This is your way to show appreciation for the high quality of work contributed to the IEP Workshop. Go to the IEP 2022 Workshop Ballot Form and select your 3 favorite early career posters and your 3 favorite overall best presentations, which includes all posters. Voting closes today, Friday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. so don't delay! Winners announced on Monday, March 28 on the IEP Annual Workshop page.

Lastly, we'd like to hear your feedback on the 2022 IEP Workshop. Please complete this 2022 Workshop Feedback Form by April 1. As we being to prepare for the next workshop we'd like to know what you'd like to see in future workshops.


IEP Program Support Team

Categories: 2022 Workshop
  • March 21, 2022

Greetings IEP Stakeholders,

The 2022 IEP Annual Workshop is only a day away! We hope you are as excited to participate as we are since many of the speakers and Session Chairs have been working really hard to put their presentations together for you. Just a reminder that the general workshop is free to attend and no registration is required. You can find the agenda overview, the workshop program, talk abstract booklet, poster forum, poster abstract booklet, and Zoom workshop links on the IEP Annual Workshop page.

The workshop is a Zoom Webinar. Each session is 100 minutes long with a 10-minute break between each session. Lunch is an hour long each day. The Mentor Lunch will take place on March 23 for those who registered and the Project Work Team chairs will have their lunch on March 24. 

At the end of the day on March 23 and 24, there will be an Evening Poster Session via a Zoom Meeting. Poster presenting authors will be hanging out in breakout rooms waiting to speak to you about their posters, so don't forget to check out their posters on the Poster Discussion Forum prior to the Poster Session.

The 3rd and final day of the workshop (March 24) will have two concurrent sessions running (Sessions 9-12 and Sessions 13-16), so make sure to check the workshop program to see which Zoom link you need for a particular session. At the conclusion of the workshop, don't forget to vote for your 3 favorite early career posters and your 3 favorite overall presentations. More info on voting for the 'Best Early Career Poster and People's Choice Presentation' is included in the workshop program under the "To Our Attendees" section. These recognition awards are a great way to acknowledge the high quality of contributed work to the workshop. Winners will be announced on Monday, March 28.

We're looking forward to seeing all of you there!

IEP Program Support Unit

Categories: 2022 Workshop
  • March 11, 2022

Greetings IEP Community Members,

The 2022 IEP Workshop is less than two weeks away and we have a lot of details to share with you. First, the workshop is going to be held as a virtual and free Zoom Webinar on March 22 through March 24. There is no registration required to attend the general workshop. You just show up and participate. How easy is that? 

Mentor Luncheon - Registration Open!

Our desire is to keep the workshop format similar to our normal in-person workshop. So, we will be including a Mentor Lunch. This lunch is generally for our early career scientists and provides them a great opportunity to meet and talk with career scientists. This year we have seven career professionals that have volunteered to be mentors. The luncheon will be hosted as a Zoom Meeting during the lunchtime on Wednesday, March 23. Mentors will be in breakout rooms eating their lunch waiting to speak with mentees. Feel free to pop in and chat with them while you eat your lunch. This meant to be an informal and stress-free environment, so don't hesitate to participate. Registration for the Mentor Luncheon is required, so we know how many people to expect. Please fill out the Registration Form no later than March 18 and remember to check out the Mentor Bios!

Workshop Program and Links

The Annual Workshop page on the IEP website has been updated and includes the Workshop Program, the Talk Abstract Booklet, and workshop agenda with Zoom links. These links are also provided in the Workshop Program. The Poster Discussion Forum, which houses the IEP Workshop posters, will go live on the workshop page the week of March 14. Check out the posters prior to the workshop. This year we have not only traditional posters but have interactive StoryMap formats too. To be in line with our typical workshop format, we will have an evening Poster Session on Monday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 23 from 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Presenting poster authors will be in assigned breakout rooms waiting to speak with you about their posters.

Openings Still Available in Lightning Talks Session

We still have a few openings for the Lightning Talks and Poetry Slam session. If you have research findings you’d like to share or if you are looking for an outlet to express your thoughts and feelings on the estuary and its amazing residents that call it ‘home’, consider participating. Reservations for presentations will be accepted up to March 15! 

LIGHTNING TALKS are those that deliver a succinct and vibrant message within 4 minutes using a few important graphics. Lightning Talks should have no more than five PowerPoint slides or other figures (if used) and should focus on boiling down findings to their core concepts. This session is designed to be a safe space for early career scientists and others to practice their presentation skills – but all are welcome to participate!

POETRY SLAM is an “open mike’ format for presentations of a more creative type. With the virtual format, the possibilities are endless. It can be an individual or group presentation. It can be a live performance or a pre-recorded video of you and others (inside or outside) reciting, singing, strumming, or drumming your thoughts. We leave the specifics up to you. Be creative and share your voice! Your slam should not be more than 3-4 minutes long. Let us know if you’d like to reserve a slot, but depending on time and availability, we’ll take last minute volunteers until it is time to end the session. Show up and SLAM!

Email Steve Culberson to communicate your intent to participate if you have not already. We anticipate this to be a lively, dynamic, and informative session, delivering distilled and important information in effective, impactful, and digestible short presentations.

We look forward to seeing you March 22-24!

Questions can be directed to 

Categories: 2022 Workshop
  • January 10, 2022


Due to COVID safety concerns, the IEP Coordinators have made the decision to cancel the in-person portion of the IEP workshop in March. Instead, the workshop will be held as a 100% virtual event and will be FREE to attend. The event will still take place over the original 3 days from March 22-24, 2022. These will be full day events.

We are planning to hold the Mentorship Luncheon, the Project Work Teams Chairpersons' Luncheon and the Poster Session as remote events as well. For the Mentorship Luncheon, we will require people to register online ahead of time, so we know how many people will be participating. More information on attending the Mentoring Luncheon will be posted soon to the IEP Annual Workshop page.

The agenda for the Workshop has been posted on the IEP Annual Workshop page. A Workshop Program and Abstract Booklet for the presentations and posters will be posted closer to the date of the event.

Are you interested in giving a short Lightning Talk or entertaining us with your poetic voice about the estuary? If so, contact Steve Culberson and Morgan Gilbert to participate in our Lightning Talks & Poetry Slam Session. We've never done a session like this before in a virtual environment, so this could be fun and interesting.

As more information gets posted online, we'll send out additional notification emails.

We look forward to seeing all of you in March!

Questions about the workshop? Send your query to

Categories: 2022 Workshop