Workshop Updates

  • February 27, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members:

Registration Links

The registration links for the 2023 Annual IEP Workshop are now posted to the Annual IEP Workshop web page. We are using Eventbrite for the in-person registration platform and Zoom for the remote registration. Registration for in-person attendance will open on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. The Zoom registration for virtual attendance is now open.

For the in-person attendance, it is one ticket per person. On the Eventbrite page, please only register for the day(s) in which you plan to attend in-person. Also, we are looking for people to volunteer to be a guest judge for the Early Career Oral Presentation & Poster Award. This award is given to the student and/or early career scientist who has the best oral presentation and poster. If you are interested in being a judge, please reserve a ticket and we will contact you with more information on how to participate.

For the remote attendance, the link will work for all three days of the workshop. Do not share your Zoom registration link with others as it is unique for each registrant. Remote users will be able to post questions to presenters through the Question and Answer feature during the workshop. If a presenter does not have time to answer your question, the questions will be provided to speakers after the workshop. It will be up to the discretion of the speakers to reach out to participants via email to respond to any unanswered questions.

Early Career Luncheon

Also, if you are a student and/or early career scientist and you'll be attending the workshop on Tuesday, sign up to sit and have lunch with a career scientist to discuss career opportunities, pathways and experiences. Our mentor volunteers have experience working in state and federal agencies, academic institutions, and consulting firms. It is a free lunch being sponsored by the State Water Contractors. Seating is limited and registration is required. Visit the Annual IEP Workshop web page for the registration link.

IEP Training Courses

Finally, don't forget to sign up for one of the two IEP training courses! These classes will be held on Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the CNRA Building. Visit the Annual IEP Workshop web page for the registration link.

Kind regards,

IEP Program Support Unit

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • February 22, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members,

Everyone has been waiting in anticipation for the 2023 IEP Annual Workshop. Registration for in-person attendance and virtual attendance will open February 28, 2023. The registration links will be posted to the Annual IEP Workshop web page and distributed via the IEP Workshop email listserv, and the stakeholder listserv. It would be great to see everyone in person, unfortunately, seating is limited in the auditorium. Tickets for the in-person event will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Once seating capacity for each day is reached, only virtual attendance will be available.

The Workshop Program and Presentation Abstracts Booklet have been posted. For posters, we have 54 to share this year, which will be showcased on the 2nd floor. Make sure to visit the poster authors during the scheduled poster sessions on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22. Poster abstracts and images will be shared later on the IEP online Poster Discussion Forum so remote participants can check them out after the workshop. The presentations in the auditorium will be recorded and made available (later) under the IEP Workshops Playlist on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife YouTube channel. So, if you miss a session, you’ll be able to watch it later at your own convenience!

Registration is now open for the early career luncheon and two IEP training courses. More information on these events has been posted to the Annual IEP Workshop web page. Registration is FREE for all events.

  • Early Career Luncheon (Tuesday, March 21) 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    • Great networking opportunity for students and early career scientists.
  • Two IEP Training Courses (Friday, March 24) 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    • Introduction to GIS with QGIS (beginner class)
    • Introduction to Hierarchical Models in R with Application to Abundance Modeling (advanced class)

Transportation & Parking:
The California Natural Resources Building is in downtown Sacramento. Parking garages and lots are located nearby. The Sacramento Regional Transit has bus and light rail stations nearby.

The California Natural Resources Building has food vendors located inside the building on the first floor.
There are additional food establishments within walking distance of the building.

Questions? Send them to

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • January 10, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members,

This is a reminder that the deadline for the 2023 IEP Workshop poster abstract submissions is February 10, 2023. If one of your colleagues or staff are considering submitting a poster, please make sure to share this information with them.

Abstracts should be submitted following the guidelines and template provided in the Call for Poster Abstracts (PDF). Any questions on the abstract or poster session can be directed to the Poster Session Chairs - Anna Feerick ( and Jordan Buxton (

Registration for the workshop will open in late February along with the ability to register for the Student-Mentor Luncheon and the IEP training courses.

General questions on the workshop can be directed to More information on the workshop can be found on the IEP Workshop web page.

Kind regards,

IEP Program Support

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • November 4, 2022

NOW OPEN! Call for Lightning Talks and Poster Abstracts!

The upcoming IEP workshop is scheduled for March 21-24 at the Resources Agency (CNRA) Headquarters Building in Sacramento, CA! If you aren’t already on tap to present at the workshop, we invite you to participate in the Lightning Talks Session (March 21) or the Poster Session (March 21-23).

Currently we are placing a call for Lightning Talks and Poster Abstracts. Space is limited to present, so if you’d like to participate don’t wait to respond!

Submission deadlines vary, so check out the flyers for submission requirements:

Questions regarding the Lightning Talk Session can be directed to Lynn Takata at

Questions regarding the Poster Session can be directed to Jordan Buxton at or Anna Feerick at

Kind regards,
IEP Program Support Team

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • October 25, 2022

Save The Dates March 21-24, 2023 for the 2023 IEP Annual Workshop!

Greetings IEP Community Members,

The IEP Annual Workshop for 2023 will take place March 21-24 at the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Headquarters Building located at 715 "P" Street in downtown Sacramento.

The workshop will be a FREE hybrid (in-person and virtual) event!

The in-person events will consist of the workshop presentations being shared inside the CNRA's 300-seat auditorium and the posters being showcased in conference rooms on the 2nd floor. These events will occur March 21-23, while the 4th day of the workshop will be reserved for training courses. Space is limited for the auditorium and training courses, so registration for those events will be required for each day. The workshop presentations in the auditorium will be live streamed for remote participants.


Registration for the in-person workshop events will open in early 2023.

Poster Session and Call for Abstracts

The Poster Session will be incorporated into the daily workshop schedule rather than an evening poster reception. So, there will be plenty of opportunity for community members to engage with the poster authors each day. No registration is required to come and peruse the posters, so if you are unable to register for the in-person event in the auditorium, you can still come to the CNRA building and peruse the posters on the 2nd floor and interact with poster authors during the daily poster session schedule.

A call for poster abstracts will be announced in early November. Posters will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To be eligible for consideration, the primary poster author must register to attend the workshop in-person.

Mentor Luncheon

The IEP Workshop will be offering an in-person Mentor Luncheon for students and early career professionals. This event allows a limited number of students and early career scientists to be paired with established career professionals to discuss their research interests and career building pathways. Seating is limited and registration is required. More information on the luncheon and how to register will be coming soon. This event is being sponsored by the State Water Contractors.


We'll be sharing more information on the workshop and how to register as we move closer to the event. Information will be posted on the IEP website under our IEP Annual Workshop web page. In addition, we'll be sending further announcements on this listserv. Also, feel free to share our Save the Dates flyer (PDF) with others. If they are not receiving emails on the workshop, tell them to subscribe to this workshop listserv by visiting our IEP Subscription web page.

Additional questions regarding the workshop can be sent to

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Kind regards,

IEP Program Support Unit

Categories: 2023 Workshop