Workshop Updates

  • August 23, 2022

Greetings IEP Science and Stakeholder Community Members,

Registration is now open for the upcoming free IEP training events!

Please review the flyer on the Fall 2022 In-Person Training Opportunities (PDF) and share the announcement with your staff and others who may be interested. Questions regarding the training can be sent directly to the instructor contact listed in the flyer.

September 20, 2022 IEP training events at Lake Natoma Inn

  • Macrophyte Identification Training (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
  • Intermediate R Training (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

October 28, 2022 IEP training events at Lake Natoma Inn

  • Advanced R Training (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
  • Science Communication Training (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

This announcement is being sent to multiple listservs, so we apologize if you receive cross-postings.
We hope you can join us.

Kind regards,
IEP Program Support Team

Categories: General
  • August 18, 2022

Save the Date! September 20, 2022

Aquatic Vegetation ID and Advanced R Training

The IEP Program Support Team is planning two in-person only training events for September 20, 2022 at the Lake Natoma Inn.

  • Shruti Khanna and Daniel Ellis are coordinating an Aquatic Vegetation Identification training event (morning September 20).
  • Jereme Gaeta is coordinating an Advanced R training event (afternoon September 20).

More details on the two events will be coming soon!

Registration will be required for each event.

Please share this announcement with others.

This announcement is being cross-posted to multiple IEP email campaigns. We apologize for any inconvenience if you receive multiple posts.

Kind regards,
The IEP Program Support Team

Categories: General
  • August 5, 2022

Greetings IEP Community members,

For those of you planning to attend the Tuesday, August 9 workshop planning committee meeting, I have included the meeting agenda to the materials to be shared. The meeting details and link to join are included in the agenda.

Meeting Materials

We hope you can join us and participate to help us plan the workshop!

If you cannot attend, but want to participate on the Planning Committee, send an email to and cc

Kind regards,

IEP Program Support

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • August 1, 2022

Greetings IEP Community members,

Planning for the 2023 Annual IEP Workshop will kick-off in August! I would like to extend an invitation to all to consider participating on the Workshop Planning Committee.
If you are interested, join us August 9 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for an initial kick-off meeting to discuss committee expectations.

If you cannot attend, but want to participate on the Planning Committee, send an email to and cc

Meeting Details

Microsoft Teams Meeting - August 9, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Join on your computer or mobile app - Join The Meeting 
Meeting ID: 260 667 122 415 Passcode: DUoCWU 
Or call in (audio only) +1 (916) 535-0984 Phone Conference ID: 597 688 562# 

The Workshop Planning Committee guides the direction and content of the workshop, decides on session topics, invited speakers, and other relevant decisions. The workshop is intended to focus on topics of interest to IEP member agencies and stakeholders, and participation on the committee is an opportunity to provide input on agenda development. The workshop tends to favor new research results and technical analyses that advance our understanding of relevant estuary science and encourages participation by early career scientists. While the IEP wants to remain open to the diversity of viewpoints of its stakeholders, and some policy matters may be appropriate for consideration, the primary focus of the workshop is relevant IEP estuary science.

What does participation entail?

Who can participate?
IEP member agency staff and stakeholders are encouraged to volunteer, but only if you can commit to the full range of responsibilities. 
Early career staff are encouraged to participate, but they must have the approval of their supervisor first. 
If students would like to volunteer, please contact Steven Culberson about volunteer opportunities.

Feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested in participating.
Thanks so much, and I look forward to working with many of you on this in the very near future!

Steven D. Culberson, Ph.D.
IEP Lead Scientist

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • April 26, 2022

Greetings IEP Workshop Community Members,

The Session recordings from the 2022 IEP Annual Workshop are now available on the CDFW YouTube channel for IEP. All sessions except for Session VIII - Career Panel Discussion with IEP Coordinators were recorded. The recordings will only be available for viewing until June 30, 2022, so don't wait to view them. Contact information for each Session Moderator and Session Speaker has been included in the details section (left hand side) of the YouTube page. So, if you have additional questions for the presenters feel free to contact them.

All Session recordings can be found on the CDFW YouTube channel for IEP. Individual Session recordings shown below.

Interested in being on the Planning Committee for the 2023 IEP Workshop? Send an email to and we'll add you to the list. A call to participate will be sent in early August and the first kick-off meeting will be in late August 2022.

Categories: 2022 Workshop