Workshop Updates

  • September 18, 2023

The IEP Workshop Planning Committee is striving to increase the breadth and inclusivity of talks in the 2024 IEP workshop, so they are announcing a general call for abstracts for both talks and posters from researchers across IEP agencies, affiliates, stakeholders, and collaborators.

There are a limited number of spaces available for speakers and posters during the workshop, so not all abstracts will be selected, but we encourage all interested scientists to submit an abstract. Presenters will need to attend the workshop in person for their presentation (this applies to posters as well as oral talks). All oral presentations will be live-streamed for remote viewers.

  • Abstract Submission - please complete this form to submit abstract.
  • Deadline for abstract submission is October 27, 2023.
  • Please only submit one abstract per person as the primary presenter (though presenters may be listed as co-authors on other presentations).

Abstracts will be selected based on:

  • Interest to the IEP community. Priority will be given to abstracts aligning with the IEP Science Strategy or that were derived from IEP workplan elements.
  • Originality. Priority will be given to abstracts that have not been presented elsewhere, and to speakers who did not present at the 2023 IEP workshop.
  • Collaboration. Priority will be given to abstracts that include collaborative work between two or more agencies or groups.
  • Inclusion. The planning committee will strive to ensure at least half the abstracts chosen are from students or early career professionals.

If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Christine Joab ( and Rosemary Hartman (

To receive email announcements about the workshop, subscribe to the IEP Workshop listserv.

Information about the workshop will also be posted on the IEP Workshop web page as it becomes available.

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • August 1, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members,

Planning for the 2024 IEP Annual Workshop will kick-off in August, and I would like to extend an invitation to you to consider participating on the Workshop Planning Committee. The Workshop Planning Committee plans the format and content of the workshop.

If you are interested, please join us on August 15 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to discuss expectations, roles, and responsibilities, selecting chairs and start brainstorming. This will be a hybrid meeting MS Teams + in-person at DWR West Sacramento office (3500 Industrial Blvd., West Sacramento) in the 2nd floor library, Room 231a. If you cannot attend on August 15 but want to participate on the committee, send an email to and cc

Microsoft Teams meeting: Join the meeting on your computer
Meeting ID: 220 499 032 344
Passcode: BPdvfR
Or call in (audio only)
+1 (916) 535-0984 United States, Sacramento
Phone Conference ID: 774 632 424#

What does participation entail?

  • Attend ~7 meetings between August 2023 – February 2024 (see attached planning calendar)
  • Potentially chair a session or activity at the workshop (see attached roles & responsibilities)
  • Act as a point of contact & liaison for session speakers
  • Actively participate in developing workshop program – this is a working group!

Who can participate?

  • IEP member agency staff and stakeholders are encouraged to volunteer, but only if you can commit to the full range of responsibilities.
  • Early career staff are encouraged to participate, but they must have the approval of their supervisor first.
  • If students would like to volunteer, please contact Rosemary Hartman and Christine Joab about volunteer opportunities.

Materials to Review:

Feel free to share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested in participating.

Rosemary Hartman (DWR) – Executive Chair of the IEP Workshop Committee
Christine Joab (CDFW) – Program Support Chair of the IEP Workshop Committee

Categories: 2024 Workshop
  • June 21, 2023

Greetings IEP Annual Workshop List Subscribers:

The video recordings from the 2023 IEP Annual Workshop are now available for viewing. The recordings are housed on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's YouTube channel under the IEP Workshops 2023 playlist. The playlist contains the following three videos:

Other information pertaining to the 2023 Annual Workshop (e.g., program, posters, and abstract booklets) can be found on the Annual IEP Workshop web page.

2024 IEP Workshop Planning Committee

A kickoff meeting for the 2024 Workshop Planning Committee will be held in August. If you are interested in helping to plan the 2024 IEP Annual Workshop, send an email to to receive more information.

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • April 14, 2023

Greetings IEP Community Members,

The Poster Forum is now live on the IEP Annual Workshop web page. The Poster Forum houses the posters and abstracts that were showcased at the 2023 IEP Workshop in Sacramento.

For those who attended the workshop remotely, you can now view the posters.

Also, we are working on post processing the presentation recordings from the workshop and those will be available soon.

Thank you all for attending and acknowledging the research and monitoring being conducted by IEP member agencies and partners.

IEP Program Support Unit

Categories: 2023 Workshop
  • March 24, 2023

On behalf of the IEP Workshop Planning Committee, I want to thank everyone who attended the 2023 Annual IEP Workshop. It was so nice to see so many smiling faces. This was IEP's first hybrid workshop and it went very well. The acoustics in the new auditorium were exceptional and the seats were very comfy. The poster room was large and it was nice to have an overflow room where you could watch the sessions and multi-task at the same time. Had the weather been better the first two days, it would have been nice to sit outside at the numerous tables located around the auditorium.

We had a great showing of work by our early career professionals. The judges thoroughly enjoyed listening to all the presentations and reading the posters. The evaluation sheets were tallied and the winners were announced at the end of the workshop. For those who missed the announcement, we want to acknowledge the Early Career Award winners for Best Presentation and Best Poster.

Best Presentation:

  • First Place: Madison Thomas (DWR) for "Controlling Invasive Phragmities australis at a Restoration Site in Suisun Marsh"
  • Second Place (tie): Emily Richardson (USGS) for "A Multiparameter Approach to Modeling Light Attenuation in the Delta"
  • Second Place (tie): Leticia Cavole (UC Davis) for "Fitness Tradeoffs for Migratory and Resident Delta Smelt in the San Francisco Estuary"

Best Poster:

  • First Place: Alisa Dahl (CDFW) for "Confirmed Presence of Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) in the Stanisalus River"
  • Second Place: Diana Muñoz (UC Davis/USGS) for "Long-term Dataset Reveals Black-crowned Night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Nest Survival is Primarily Associated with Bottom-up Processes on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California"
  • Third Place: Andrea Jaegge (USGS) for "Identifying Microcystin Sources and Producers in San Francisco Bay"

IEP Program Support staff are in the process of downloading the presentation recordings. Once we finish reviewing the closed captioning, the recordings for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be placed on the IEP playlist on the CDFW You Tube channel. We'll let the IEP community know where to find them once the recordings are up. Not all of the presentations were recorded (per directive from the presenters), so if a talk is missing that you are interested in, make sure to reach out to the presenter directly for more information.

We are also working on uploading the poster abstracts and posters to the online Poster Discussion Forum. This is the same online forum that we've been using the past few years, which will allow those who attended the workshop remotely to see what posters were shared. The content should be viewable on the Forum by the first week in April.

If you are interested in helping to plan the 2024 Annual IEP Workshop, our kickoff planning meeting will be in August. If interested, send an email to

Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you next year!

IEP Program Support Unit

Categories: 2023 Workshop